Imagine #62: Unspeakable 2/2

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            62. UNSPEAKABLE 2/2

Previously: Kai tells you about his unremarkable love for Bonnie and instead of telling him that you loved him, you helped helped Bonnie understand why loving Kai would so wonderful. When Kai tells you that Bonnie felt the same way, you forced yourself to be supportive of his decision. You restrained yourself from telling him how you really felt about him.


                           "Y/N?" Elena mumbles from the other side of your bedroom door, she had called you several times prior to her arrival but of course you didn't answer. You hadn't been out of the Salvatore Mansion in weeks, you've been avoiding everyone.
         You knew why Elena was here, she wanted to focus on your recent disappearance. Everyone wanted to check in on how you were doing, when you didn't think anything was wrong. You were never dating Kai, sure he broke your heart but he didn't know that.

                               "Elena, please go away..." You groaned, as you sat  up and rested your back against  your light cream colored upholstered bed frame. Your hair was in knots and tangles from the continuous days of lounging around and sleeping.
                 "Y/N, I'll break down your door if I have too." She jokes, with a bite of seriousness. Your eyes wandered over towards your door, waiting for Elena to burst through but she never did.

                                  There was a few moments of silence when you thought that she had left, you slouched down on your bed when you heard Caroline's voice. "Seriously?" You sighed, as you covered your face in the palm of your hands.
            "Y/N? It's Caroline, open up." You didn't care that she was here, you didn't want to talk to her about your feelings like she would expect you to. "Please... just go away." You whine, as your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and frustration.

                          You didn't understand why the girls wouldn't go away, whenever Elena or Care needed space people always gave them that. But you felt as if everyone didn't care about your feelings because if they did they would respect the fact that you want your space.
        "We brought cupcakes, if that makes it any better?" You imagined Caroline smiling her toothy grin from the opposite side of the door. You stood up from your bed and opened the door, trying to hide your smile.

                       The girls walked inside your bedroom, and sat down on opposites sides of your bed as you laid in the middle.  "How have you been?" Care smiled weakly at you because she could see how your tiresome eyes remained locked on your bed sheet.
"I'm okay, why do you ask?" You stared at Care, waiting to hear what her had to say. You knew she nor Elena would truly know what was going on. The blonde pressed her lips together as if she was forming the words to say in her head, as she looked over at Elena. "You haven't been out of this room in weeks, you don't reply to our texts or calls, and no offense you look a mess."

"Wow Care!" Elena tilted her head a little as she gave the blonde wide brown eyes and a silly laugh. You shook your head at Elena and then looked at Caroline, you had never seen Care look so nervous and regretful.
"I haven't been feeling so great these last few weeks, don't we all go through rough patches throughout our lives?" You laughed irritably, the girls looked at you sympathetically. "Do you want to talk about it?" Elena whispers, you looked at her.

                            "What do you want me to say, Elena? That I'm madly in love with a guy who doesn't even like me? Well there you go, I said it. Now will you leave?" You took a deep breathe, trying to keep yourself from saying something you'd regret.
             "You don't think your feelings for him matter because he doesn't know they exposure. And you think he shouldn't know about them because he's with Bonnie. Y/N, we know your afraid to like Kai because you think he won't feel the same way but how will you ever know if you don't tell him?" You smiled at her, "Of course you'd give me that kind of advice considering everything just comes sooo easy to you. You don't have a problem getting a guy to like you, you never have."

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