Imagine #16: Jealous Ex 2/2

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Previously: You meet Klaus at the Grill, you seem to like him just as much as he likes you. You tell him about your horrible date with your ex-boyfriend Kai. Then you realize Kai is in the Grill as well and he seems perfectly fine after the horrible date.

        16. JEALOUS EX 2/2


"Y/N." Klaus mumbles, from behind you. You hear him say your name but you're too distracted by what you see.

"That dick head!" you whisper loudly, gripping the back of your stool like crazy. Luckily, Klaus didn't hear what you said.

You slowly turn back around in your stool, as Klaus questions what was bothering you.

          You turn towards him, "My ex-boyfriend of two years, the asshole I was talking about ditching me at dinner tonight. Is here right now, fucking playing darts." you nearly shout, out of pure frustration. Kai made you so sick, and he joys every second of it.

Klaus frowns, "Ex-boyfriend? Why were you on a date with your ex?" and you groan loudly, that's exactly what you were trying to avoid. "It's complicated!" and that was truth.
                         You and Kai loved each other one moment and the next you wanted to gouge out his eyes.

You couldn't help but glare over your shoulder at Kai, noticing him leaned up close against some random girl. Your eyebrows furrow, as he stands behind the girl and helps her throw her darts. She giggles shyly as Kai helps her throw the darts, slowly glaring over her shoulder at him.
It was obvious Kai knew you were here and is pretending to be interested in that girl to make you jealous. And how did you know he wasn't interested in her?

Because just two hours ago he was sitting across from you at a dinner table, telling you how much he missed and loved you. You remembered exalts what he said, 'the time we've spend apart has been killing me slowly and painfully. I've missed you so much.'

He went on a freaking rant about how sorry he was for how things ended between you and him. It was obvious Kai was supposedly trying to get you to fix up things between you two, instead of apologizing himself for something that he did.
So if Kai wanted to make you jealous he was going to have to try a whole lot harder than that.

You pushed the plate of fries away, "Kai is trying to make me jealous so that I realize how much I love him, and apologize for something he fucked up on. So you being the kind hearted gentlemen that you are, is going to help make him jealous." and before Klaus even has the chance to agree or disagree, your ordering penalty more shots.

+ + +

30 minutes later

Klaus and you managed to get a whole crowd surrounding you guys, chanting your names. So far, him and you beat every opponent you went up against in a never have I ever drinking game.

A few chickened out but majority ended up rushing to the bathroom on the verge of vomiting. Whatever crowd Kai had gathered from the dart board was now surrounding the bar. Everyone surrounding you were talking and laughing among themselves, it seemed to be most crowded the bar had ever been. You were center of attention, having guys hit on you and girls ask to be your friend.
But no matter how many people Klaus compiled to cheer your names, none of it made Kai came your way. Instead he was too busy flirting with the same girl he was with nearly thirty minutes ago.

At some point you could tell everyone was becoming exhausted, and Klaus looked hopeless for you.

Eventually Klaus told everyone to leave, because it didn't look like this whole jealously act was getting anywhere. You glared over your shoulder at the dart board, where Kai was now helping the same girl practice darts.
You thought, what the hell was so interesting about darts, that would have people playing it for that long? I mean come on!

Klaus stood up from his stool, "Come on love, let me take you home." he volunteers, but you refused his offer. You told him that you would just drink your life away or either forget any of this happened tonight. You were foolish to think somebody like Kai could possibly be able to feel bad for his actions. He was a sociopath for God's sake and whatever feelings he had for you weren't even his, they were Luke's.

Klaus insisted one last time before you smiled and said, "I'm a witch, I'm pretty such I can handle myself." and he kisses you on the forehead before he leaves, telling you to take care. You slowly rest your chin on the bar table, slouching in your stool. The bar was becoming more and more empty, as people began going home. Your ordered yourself one last shot and a glass of liquor.

You sighed softly, mumbling a spell under your breathe and making the small ice cubes twirl in the glass.

Suddenly, there's a clanking noise from beside you. As you turn to face what you assumed was a stranger, Kai's eyes meet your's. He wore a smile on his lips as he lifted the shot glass, "Never have I ever spend a second not loving Y/N, whenever we argued and decided our relationship needed a break." before you can even smile, Kai presses his lips against yours.


A/n: I just realized I made a mistake as usual, this imagine only had two parts. Sorry:(

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