Imagine #34 : Psycho Magnet 2/2

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        Previously: Kai, Klaus, Damon, Enzo,  and Kol showed up during your shift at the Grill. You've been trying to stop being a troublemaker, but the guys convince you to ditch your shift to hang out with them.


                    "Guys are such idiots," Rebekah  groans in annoyance. "I mean seriously guys are idiots. Who even plays ping bong with a poptart?" she explains dramatically.
     At first you believed it to be her accent that made everything she said sound more dramatic. But you haven't told her to shut up because of it, the accent was just so smoothing.

         You had spent the whole day with the guys, tormenting people. Kol and Klaus insisted that you met their sister Rebekah, who you were slowly becoming friends with.

                         You glared over your shoulder at the boys, Kai was now playing ping tong with Kol.
                Kol spoke as he played, "What better way to play ping pong with a month old refrigerated poptart." clearly he was drunk off his ass. You and Rebekah frowned in disgust, "Who the hell leaves a poptart in the freezer for a month? I'm asking out of curiosity." Enzo confirms, and Kol shrugs his shoulder.

                         Klaus squints his eyes at everyone, he seems embarrassed. "I did." and everyone teases him about it. "Oh, C'mon it was disgusting." his accent makes it sound even cuter.
      Kol laughs, "Then why'd you eat it?" but he eyes never once look at his brother, he's too busy playing ping pong with Kai.

   "Because I heard how good they were, but after I took one bite and realized that was lie. I put it in the freezer to see if it tasted better frozen." and you laugh at him, trying not to imagine what a frozen poptart would taste like. Everyone laughs, as Klaus grins.
             Damon's phone ring, just as Kai gave up his poptart for him to use.

                          Most of the room was silent, because Damon told everyone to shut up because it was Elena. Everyone in the room was using their hearing to hear the conversation, snickering whenever they said something.

Damon would glare around at everyone, rolling his eyes because he was embarrassed.
         Halfway throughout their conversation Kai grabs Damon's phone from behind, "Oh no, Damon just dropped his phone and rushed over to go talk to Rebekah."

Damon tried to take his phone from Kai, but Kai used used his vamp speed. From on the other side of the room, you could hear Elena questioning Kai.
                She seemed so pissed that it sounded like she was screaming for him to answer her. Kai laughed, as he placed his free hand on his knee as if to keep himself for falling over from laughter. "She sounds so pissed." he whispers with a wide grin.


               " Did I mention that she looks cute just standing there in there little tight dress." and Rebekah's jaw dropped, "Jackass!" she whispers loudly. You couldn't help the snicker that slipped out, it was funny when Kai tried to piss Damon off.
                                 Damon tried to go after Kai again, but failed miserably. "Can you guys believe that I just learned how to use my vamp speed seconds ago. And I'm beating Damon's ass who's known how to use it longer." he whispers, as he covered the phone with his hand.

Yup he was drunk as well.

  But all of this was very amusing.

      Damon used his vamp speed to try to grab Kai again. But Kai used his speed to stand behind the pool table, near the window. Kol used his speed to get across the room just a few feet from in front of you; on the couch with Rebekah.
                     Kol motioned for Kai to toss Damon's phone is way, without alerting Damon. The boys began playing monkey in the middle, as a frustrated Damon used his vamp speed to get his phone back.

                "Is Damon gonna get it?" Kai teases as Kol throws his phone at him.

Kai catches it as Damon used his speed to get to him, "Oh, not this time." Kai laughs, as he threw his phone at Kol.
           You used your vamp speed to get up from the couch without being ran over by Damon. Their game would probably last all night, so you went to look for Klaus.

                     As you began to exit the living room, you caught a glimpse of Enzo who was staring at his phone. You figured he was too busy texting Caroline, which was cute.
      Straight across from the living room was a different colored tiled floor, the entrance of the door to your right.

    In front of you was a small dark brown wooded table, with a large flower vase in the center. Above that was a chandelier, tinkling with diamonds. To your left was the long staircase, you were taking in all of the mansion's features.
                   It was extraordinary magnificent, "Beautiful isn't it?" Klaus asks, you didn't even notice his presence beside you.

           "It is." you mumble under your breathe. There's a sudden crash of glass, you and Klaus could hear Damon shouting Kai's name. Klaus sighs and the two of you enter the living room.
                                      "What's wrong?" you nearly growl out of frustration. Damon goes on a rant about Kai and how he tossed his phone out of the window. Kai continued to deny that he did it on purpose and claim that  it was an accident.

             Enzo remained in his usual spot, he looked the least bit irritated by all of this.
                      You were disappointed with Damon and Kai, but Klaus just laughed.

"Broken window? It's not a big deal." Klaus assures, and you weren't expecting him to be settle about it. Klaus insisted that all of you have some more fun and that's exactly what everyone does.

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