Imagine #55: Original Vamp 1/2

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"Why did you want to meet here out of all places?" you murmur as you approached Katherine; who sat at the diner table, staring directly at you as you sat down across from her.
                She look a deep breathe as you sat down in the  seat in front of her, "Well it wasn't as if I could just ask to meet an Original out in public, people talk." She explains, which you couldn't deny was true.

       You motioned your hands around the crowded diner, "We are in public," you remind dryly. Katherine pressed her lips together and you smiled, "if you really don't want people talking about seeing us together, how about we go back to your place." You state, referring to her new home there in Pennsylvania.

             Katherine laughed, "Why, so you can kill me?"

      Whenever the mention of an Original vampire, it usually meant that the intentions weren't good. If people saw Katherine talking to you, eventually your silblings would find out. The thought of Katherine was  repugnant to your siblings.
               You knew that she wasn't good news, you knew more about her then anyone else did. The reason being was because you were what Katherine called a vamp bounty hunter, because Klaus demanded that you bring her to him. The only reason why you would do anything Klaus said was if you had something important on the line, which you did.

                        "I want to make a deal with you." Katherine begins, softly. You sat back in your seat, waiting for her to attempt to convince you to take the deal. "If you promise not to hand me over to Klaus, I can help you save Kai."
            You pressed your lips together, not believing that you could trust her. "Why do you want to help me?" You flagged down a waiter and compelled them to get a free cup of coffee, because you were gonna need it.

      Katherine leans forward, "Because you and I both want the same thing." You laughed a little at her attempt to reason with you, "And what's that?"

                    She smiles, "Klaus dead of course."

          She was right, if she helped you save Kai and kill Klaus you and your boyfriend could be free from his control. The reason why you were in this mess was because of your betrayal to Kalus, ever since then Kai has been locked away in a cell.

                     "Why would think that I want my brother dead?"

       Katherine leaned towards you, placing her elbows on the table. "Because he's stabbed in you the back numerous of times," she reminds, as you rolled your eyes because she was right. "literally, he's stabbed you in the back probably a million times." She grins in amusement, referring to your age.
You closed your jacket and crossed your arms over you chest, "No matter how may times he's killed me, he's still my brother."

Katherine swallows out of nervousness, she was afraid that you wouldn't take the deal. This was honestly the first time you had truly seen her scared, Klaus and you were probably the only ones that she feared.
Most people called you little klaus because you were almost identical to him, expect of course the fact that you were a girl.

"Maybe you aren't anything like Klaus," you tilt your head and studied her. It was almost as if she was saying that your weren't capable of being fearful.
"you seem to have more remorse for others than he does." And you smile in annoyance, trying not to let her see that she was getting to you. "I don't need to be like my brother to be feared by others." You state.

Katherine grins, "True, but you're still not as fearful as him. I honestly don't think you'll ever be more fearful than your brother, you're too soft. Let's be honest, y/n, I think you're trying too hard to be terrifying, it seems out of character."

                  You clinched your jaw, "Don't underestimate me," You warn, "I have gone through way to much bullshit to hear you tell me that I'm capable of being fearful."
        She rests her chin in the palm of her hand, and stared at you blankly.

              You knew she was trying to get to you, "You know what, y/n, I'm just going to go because I highly doubt your going to anything about it." You stared at Katherine as she stood up from booth. She was about to past by you and leave the diner until you spoke up.

                        "Katherine." You mumbled, softly.

           She sighed, "What?" She asked, standing way to close to you. You smiled up at her and she frowned, wondering why you were smiling at her. Unfortunately, before she could get away you used your vamp speed to smash her head into table.
                   Everyone in the diner gasped, and stared at you. Katherine's body fell to the ground and you stood up from the booth, "Everyone, relax." You laughed.

        You chuckled, as you bent down to pick Katherine up. The diner was quiet as they watched you toss her over your shoulder, "She always does this." You tell everyone, as you grabbed your cup of coffee.
             You weaved throughout the diner, heading for the front door. You paused in front of one waiter who stood with wide eyes, "Free pancakes for everyone." You compelled the waiter.


A/n: 😱thanks for 16k reads!

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