Imagine #25 : It Takes Two To Love

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Kai stared at you from across the dinner table, watching with jealous eyes as Stefan let you try some of his pasta. Bonnie smiles at you two, "Aren't they just adorable." she whispers to Kai.

He presses his lips together, "So adorable it's sickening." he mumbles, but you didn't hear him because you were busy kissing Stefan.
Bonnie gives him a worried look, and he laughs, "I'm kidding Bonnie." and she laughs along with him. But Kai was more pissed than he was leading on, he was furious. You choose Stefan over him, but Bonnie wasn't clueless.

Apart of her wanted Kai to be honest with her, admit that he liked you. It was obvious Kai still had feelings for you, after you broke up with him. Bonnie liked Kai a lot but it seemed as if their relationship could never blossom into something more. Because he always seemed distracted by you, and hardly seemed interested in her.
Kai was always gawking at you and Stefan, wishing you weren't with him. "Who's up for some ice cream?" Bon smiles, trying to break the awkward silence.

You and Stefan exchange looks with Bonnie and Kai. "Sure." you murmur, embarrassingly.

+ + +

Stefan went on and on about you guys' spring break vacation at the Lake house. How you and him sat on the docks and watched the sunset and threw rocks along the waves.
Kai continued to eat his ice cream and seemed to find twirling his spoon, in his ice cream more interesting than the conversation. Bonnie tried to stay interested in the conversation, nodding and laughing along.

But the more Kai started at you and the more you didn't pay attention, the more perturbed Bonnie became. She wanted to divulge Kai's attraction to you, but didn't want to put that burden on you; being catch in a love triangle with Stefan and Kai.
Not only had her herself experienced love triangles but so has Care and Elena. And she didn't feel that it was right to make you unhappy even if she was. After all you and her have been through, she considered you one of her most loyal friends.

Your voice and Stefan's were like white noise, faint and distant to Bonnie; as she tried to restrain herself from telling you the truth.


She blinks a few times before she looks at you, and realizes that she was in a daze. "Are you alright?" you laugh, wondering why she was staring directly at you.
Kai glared at her, probably realizing that she was acting weird.

"Y/N, can I talk to you?" but before you even response, Bonnie is getting up from her seat and exiting the parlor. You excuse yourself from the guys and follow her outside. Bonnie turns to face with her arms along her sides, "I need to tell you something." she whispers, crossing her arms over her chest to keep the cool air off of her.

You could see the seriousness in her tone and body gesture, and you began to become worried. "Tell me what?" you ask, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion.
She takes a deep breathe, her eyes slowly glare around the shops surrounding you two. "I'm worried that Kai still has feelings for you." she confuses, and you frown in disbelief.

You didn't believe for a second that Kai still had feelings for you, because he was now with Bonnie. "That's not true.... he can't." you refused to believe that she was right.

Bonnie laughs, "Y/N but it is true, he does love you. He's always loved you, but you can't see that because your in love with Stefan. But no matter how much you love Stefan, Kai will never stop loving you. Which means he won't ever began loving me. We don't ever have a relationship." she explains, becoming annoyed because she knew that you knew.

But the truth was you didn't have a clue about what Kai was feeling. "Maybe you're right, maybe I can't see it. Or perhaps your overreacting, Bonnie?" you didn't mean to come off so harsh but you couldn't help it.

Bonnie was your best friend and didn't ever want to argue with her.
"Trust me Y/N, I'm not overreacting. But if you think so maybe you should ask Kai yourself?" and with that said, Bonnie went back into the palor.

You stood outside the parlor, crossing your arms over chest. From where you stood you glared over your shoulder, to look inside the parlor.

You could see Bonnie and Stefan talking, while Kai ate some of his ice cream. You studided him from afar and was becoming nervous to go back in, you just wanted to go home.
Your eyes squint at Kai, as if trying to figure him out.

Kai glared up at you and looked directly in your eyes. You wanted to look away but you couldn't help yourself. You thought it was strange how he knew excalty where to look for you. But you tried not to think heavily on it, he doesn't still love me you remind yourself.

Kai grins at you from afar, and it was as if he was reading your mind.

Or does he? You thought fearfully.



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