Imagine #22 : She's Just Not That Into You

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"Whitmore College? How are you liking it?." Adam smiles. You tried your hardest to sound interested but he was just unremarkably boring.
Bonnie and Care mentioned his head over heels love for you and you couldn't deny it was there. But you just didn't feel the same way, sure Adam was charming and sweet but his nervousness of you caused him to second guess himself.

You wanted to date a guy that didn't have a problem speaking his mind, compliments you and tells you how much he loves you.
Of course you didn't need a guy to make you feel good about yourself, considering you were confident. Some people would mistaken you as overly confident, some girl in your English class even claimed you thought you were better than everyone.

But the truth was you just knew how to live up your potential. You knew how beautiful you were and smart so you showed it. "It's wonderful actually, the professors are extremely nice and interesting. It's a blessing to have professors that won't make me want to fall asleep." you giggle, sliding you bangs from your eyes.

Adam smiles, "That's for sure." and he stares at you, as he takes a sip of his wine.
You smile back at him awkwardly, he knew how to make you uncomfortable. "Aha, what are you staring at?" and Adam quickly looks away and clears his throat, "Umm.. I'm sorry... It's just that I imagined being on a date with for months and now that it's actually happening -- it feels like a dream come true."

Kai slides a chair in between you and Adam, "Jeez, Y/N, your obviously making the guy nervous." he jokes, and you scoff in annoyance.

"I'm sorry Andrew.... Adam? Is it Adam? Aha that doesn't matter, but you want to know what does? Her interest in you. So tell me Adam how interesting would you say you are from a scale from one to ten?" Kai asks, as he reached over to grab your glass of wine.

Adam glares at you two, "A nine."

Kai whispers at you, "Oh shit, he's a confident one," he laughs. "Aren't you?" he asks Adam. You gave Adam an apologetic look, but he seemed too nervous to smile in back.
"Well, when I look at Y/N she doesn't seem like your ten when it comes to being interesting. Tell me Adam have you ever read this book called..... tsk tsk... What that's not the name, I'm thinking of it.... What the hell is the name of that book -- Oh I remember. She's Just Not That Into You?.... Oh that's not right its actually called He's Just Not That Into You. Maybe I'll be the first guy to right one about girls not being interested in guys like you. It would be helpful." Kai explains with a sneaky grin.

"Kai!" you blurt, trying to stop him from humiliating Adam.

Kai glares at you for a second, "Y/N, sweetheart, save the screaming for later your gonna need it." he smiles flirtatiously.
Adam scoffs, "I don't need this." he nearly shouts, staring directly at you. You hesitate to do something, anything to make Kai stop but all you could do was glare around in embarrassment.

"You're right you don't need this. So why don't you leave?" Kai suggests. Adam stares at you wondering if you were gonna let Kai talk to him like that. "Who are you always?" Adam questions with a disgusted frown.

"Y/N's boyfriend, so scram before I rearrange your face." Kai threatens, with psychotic look a pound his face. Adam quickly gets up his seat and leaves the restaurant, not even saying a word to you.

Great. You thought.

You quickly stood up from your seat and grabbed your jacket, leaving Kai behind. You couldn't believe what an ass he was being, harassing your date and humiliating him.

Kai chased after you and followed you down the street, Adam was your ride and with him gone you had no way to get home. "Some gentlemen you had there." and you rolled your eyes as you walked down the street.
"And you are?" you glare over your shoulder to see his reaction. Kai laughs, "How would you know if I were when you've never been on a date with me."

"I don't need to go on a date with you to know that your a self-centered ass wipe, who thinks he's some kind of God who's superior than others." but Kai just grins at you, as he walks beside you.

"You didn't even like Andrew."

"His name is Adam and how do you even know that I didn't like him? What are you some kind of mind reader?" you joke, sighing to yourself.
Kai glares up at the dark night sky, "I could be a mind reader if I found a spell to read people's minds. That would definitely come in handy." he chuckles, obviously not taking the conversation seriously.

You halt dead in your tracks, "Why do you care who I go on dates with anyways? You hate me remember?" you remind, in a sing along tone.

Kai arches his eyebrows, "Hate you? Who said I hated you?" he asks, his tone soft and low. It seemed to sadden Kai to think that you thought that he could possibly hate you.

"Y/N, just because I make fun of you every once in a while and threaten you doesn't mean I hate you. I actually love you, like a lot. And for some reason I show my love and affection through hate and threats." and you thought that was the sickest thing you've ever heard.

"Kai, let's face it. You don't even know what love is." you mumble, feeling some what sorry for him.

You continue walking down the street, but Kai grabs your arm. "If I didn't know what love is, then how would I know about the feelings you give me. The way my nerves rattle like crazy when I'm around you. Or the way my eyes lock onto you whenever you come around, or the thrill and excitement your name does to me every time I hear it? If that's not love then I don't know what is." and before you speak or even smile, Kai kisses you.



Kai Parker  ❦   ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now