Imagine #41: Witch Napped 3/4

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       41. WITCH NAPPED 3/4

Previously: you and Bonnie meet Tanya; a witch determined to terminate all super-natural being expect witches. Her daughter Lily had been killed by a vampire and has made it her duty to make the world a better place.


It was already dark, whatever hope you had for the gang was slowly thinning. You never liked showing fear because it made you look vulnerable, fear allowed the enemy to see what you were afraid of. It gave them an advantage to hurt you.
So you stood with your head straight, and tried to be brave. But you couldn't, the gang hadn't showed up as time proceeded.

Every witch including you and Bonnie stood in a circle. The first circle of witches was the smallest, the second was the bigger then so fourth and so fourth. It was better having circles than rows.

You and Bonnie stood among the thousands of witches, glaring around. "I've been trying to use my magic to help Elena and everyone find us easier but nothing was working." she whispers, and you scoff.
"Aha yeah, Bonnie, because that old witch bitch probably did some voodoo hoodoo spell on your powers. Who knows she probably used some accent spell; you don't even know about, to link our magic to her's; which allows her to use it whenever she feels like it."

Bonnie let's out a giggle, "A voodoo hoodoo spell? and you roll your eyes playfully, "Oh come on you know I was joking." it might have not been the best time for jokes.

A dark haired brunette girl standing beside you glared at you in annoyance, "Old witch bitch? Tanya is healing the world, she's doing something that should have been done a longgggg time ago." and you clench your jawline, "Oh, so kinda like how your eyebrows should have been done a longggg time ago?"

The girl's jaw drops open but you just grin at her.

The second oldest brother of the three; Caspar approached you. You knew it was him because Lucas said he had the lightest blue eyes. "That's not very nice." he says, with a grin. You notice Lucas watching you from afar, with his hood over his head. From what you could tell he was the good brother, clearly he wasn't doing this because he wanted too.

You roll your eyes and confuse on Caspar, "Well what can I say I'm not a very nice person." you snap back. Finnian the cruelest stood by his younger brother with a knife, "Let me see your hand." he doesn't wait for you to respond so he snatches it and cuts your palm.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" you shout, pulling your hand away. A few of the other witches down the row glare at your outburst, Finn stares at you.
"When you hold hands with the rest of the witches, your blood and their blood will be one. We need enough of you witches' blood because every human in the world will need it. The chant of the blood poison spell; your blood and every one of theses witches' will turn toxic temporarily. Your temporary toxic blood will be linked with every human's blood around the world, but it won't hurt them just the vampires that drink it. In order to make sure that every vampire drinks the toxic human blood, the spell also has the ability to make the blood irresponsible to vampires." he explains, and then he continues shedding blood.

You exchange looks with Bonnie, "I don't think the werewolves and hybrids will have worst." you laugh humorously, and you couldn't help it. You were terrified but laughter was the best for you during times like this, otherwise you'd lose it.

"If Damon and everyone we love who's a vampire, drinks any human blood; once it's toxic, they will die." Bonnie whispers, sadly. The brunette beside you grabs your bloodily hand with her's.
When you thought about it, it made sense. There was seven million people in the world; probably more now, but there were only a thousand witches holding hands. You assumed that with all the magic of thousands of witches being combined, would make poisoning humans' blood easier. Maybe just a few drops of the toxic witch blood would make human blood toxic without needing more blood.

You turned your head to Bonnie, as Tanya began to prepare for the spell. "How much blood would humans need? A few drops of our poisoned blood? One? Three?" you whisper.
The brunette standing beside you stares out in front of her, "Just five drops and then humans' blood will become toxic, within a matter of seconds vampires would feed off them. With our magic being this strong, positioned vampires would die seconds after the feeding."

You gulp, in fear. You tried to come up with a plan but you didn't know what to do. You were so quick to act a pound things but this was different.
"Vampires won't even realize the blood is poisoned, because it'll be unnoticeable. They'll smell it more than ever; their craving for blood will multiply." Bonnie assumes, with widened eyes. You wanted to scream out of anger and rip Tanya's heart out, it was tempting you.

Tanya began walking towards the center circle, as her sons walked around. "We can't just stand here and not do anything." you whisper heavily, "I already told you my magic doesn't work." you clench your jaw tightly, "So you think, maybe Elena got your message or whatever."

Finn smiles at you from afar, "If it did they would have been here already." Bonnie argues. You ignore Finn's stares and Tanya smiles at you. You smile a fake smile at her, "Fine. Just teach me a damn spell to light this ancient bitch on fire...... You know some expression magic, there's gotta be one for fire." you mutter.
"Of course there's one for fire." and you smile at her. She tells you the spell and you did what you always did, relaxed and waited for the perfect opportunity.

Maybe Bonnie's magic wasn't working but your magic was. Tanya and the witches began chanting. You glared around the circle and sighed, chanting the same spell.
You figured you'd help them out, hell they weren't gonna succeed. Bonnie kept stares at you throughout the spell, waiting for you to stop it. You laughed a little and stopped chanting the blood poison spell, and began mumbling the one Bonnie taunt you.

Slowly but surely, small flames began to surround Tanya. She wasn't paying any attention because she chanting with her eyes closed. You stared at the fire from afar, using your anger to make the fire grow bigger. Her sons began to notice and tried to get to her, but you slowly took your time.
You wanted them to suffer in a way, see their mother parish before their eyes. And as soon as Tanya opened her eyes you let your anger spiral and you let the fire engulf her. Tanya began screaming and the witches stopped chanting, watching.
You were about to raise the flames knowing that she was a goner, until an arrow pierced through your chest. Tanya's sons were killed by Stefan and Damon, before they could reach their mother.

Your anger slowly mellowed down, as you watched Tanya fall to the ground. Standing right behind her burnt body was none other than Malachai Parker, holding a crossbow.

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