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The first humans were created with four arms, legs and eyes & two noses and mouth.

 Afraid of their power, Zeus split them in half, leaving them to find the other half of themselves.

These people are called



I always dreamt of love and my prince who would carry me off into the sunset.

People said I had an unrealistic view, that I looked upon the world in black and white and that real true love was simply fairy tale stuff drummed into us as children. It was make believe and one day reality would draw its sharp silver sword and slash away any hope of such a silly notion. But the way I saw it when u fell in love that was it for life, forever! You would do anything for that person, go to the highest extremes if you had to.

I was a dreamer but what was so wrong with that? Didn't everyone need to dream?

I knew my prince was out there. I could feel it swimming through my blood, in every cell or perhaps it was just in my makeup. My parents had been together now for thirty years. They were happy and still deeply in love and I knew this was what I wanted more than anything.

It must be amazing to find that one person! Someone you can grow old with, build your life around, to know each other bone deep, every step, every move taken together. So I believed that one day my lightning bolt would strike, taking over my mind, body and soul.

I was twenty two when I first met my Prince. Where my fairy-tale was to begin ...


My name is Thea Wilson.

It was a regular weekend when I went to visit my Sister, Lucie in Brighton. She had recently moved her and Charlie, her gorgeous Son here from Bideford in the West Country having gone through a very difficult break up with his Dad.

Lucie had met James when she had just turned twenty one on a night out with friends, falling head over heels. They shortly moved in together only after a couple of weeks of getting to know one another, something which rightly concerned my parents but to Lucie it was all she wanted. There was never any fear of it not working. She loved James and he her.

What could possibly go wrong?

But after several blissful months and before she got caught pregnant she found out he had in fact cheated on her. It hit her hard, knocking the life right out of her even though she admitted deep down she had her suspicions. She had been living in denial not wanting to believe the man she loved, she shared her bed with was going elsewhere for his kicks.

James had always been a womaniser, flirting with others but Lucie had never once doubted him always turning a blind eye until recently.

Yet even in the wake of what he had done she still couldn't stop her heart beating for him. I guess that's why she forgave him.

After Charlie was born things took a turn for the worse. Lucie was struggling to cope. Charlie was plagued with colic and kept her up most nights.

As a family we tried helping, my Mum and Dad having him when they could but James was no where to be seen. He would disappear for days at a time, falling at her feet for forgiveness, swearing blind there was not another women and it was his addiction to drink which was sending him out of control.

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