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"Why the hell are we going all this way?" Rob complained from the back of my small red Corsa.

Kate who was sat in the front turned to face him.                                                                                                                                      

"Stop moaning! It's Matt's birthday and yes his having a party out in the sticks but it's up to him".                      

Rob huffed and crossed his arms, "It's not up to him, that's the whole point! It's up to that silly bitch that has him wrapped around her snotty finger. I don't see why we have to go when the others aren't".                                                                                                                                                                             

Kate sighed, shaking her head "Because you and Thea are his best friends and I'm his Sister, so quit it!" she admonished him. "And we're not the only one's... Nathan's meeting us there." she added.

We were driving towards Plumpton Village, to the local pub, The Half Moon. Matt had invited all of us to his birthday party but Sadie and Steve were on yet another holiday spending more money, unable to attend. Their plans for a house were slowly drifting further away from them.

And Danny was conveniently working which he told us he couldn't get out off, or that was his excuse anyway. I'm sure he just didn't want to go to a party where Racheal would be.

Nathan had accepted the invitation with more enthusiasm than any of us. He was driving his own car but having to leave early to join Danny at work.

Rachael had planned the full event which came to no surprise to us; she was in charge of Matt's life now. It had been two months since they had moved in together and we hardly ever saw him.                                          

I was lost to a world of pain and despair, spending my days in a catatonic state, going through the motions only to collapse on a night and let my sorrow take me further under.                                                                       

When I did eventually see Matt it was never for long enough but I resigned myself to it, just trying to stay content in the fact that he now was.

I tried to look pass the sadness and the haunted, tortured look in his eyes that I swore I could still see. I was just blinding myself wanting to believe that he still loved me.                                                                                                                                                                                      

I didn't like Rachael, none of us did, but we all wanted the same thing; for Matt to be happy. He had moved on from me a long time ago leaving me all alone, forever trapped in his heart. If Rachael was what he needed then I would have to except my fate and swallow my pain and the hurt that I had caused him and grin and bear it.

We turned up outside The Half Moon. It looked very old, a beautiful building surrounded by countryside. Nathan was already in the dim lit car park walking over to greet us.                                                                                  

"Hi Thea!" he beamed. "You look nice tonight" he added his eyes full of appreciation.                                                         

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