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*Before you start reading I just want to thank everyone who's voted and commented and has taken the time to read this story.*


We made it back to his bedroom; we needed to be with eachother, to feel our naked bodies together, to take away each other's pain and insecurities and to get back on an even keel.

My phone rang out loud abruptly interrupting us. I had left it on the bedside table before we had left for the night.

I ignored it. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I needed Matt and he needed me.

I thought he might protest, he hated a ringing phone not to be answered but his desperate need was overwhelming him as he pushed me further into the bed.

Yet after the third attempt I had to give in.

"Sorry, it's probably Jodie. I won't be a minute."

I leaned over and grabbed my phone. Lucie's name flashed up as the caller.

"Hello" I answered.

A harsh cry rang out. 

"Lucie? Lucie are you ok? Is Charlie ok?" 

Matt bolted up at the mention of his name.

Lucie tried to speak through thick tears but they swamped her. 

"Please Lucie" I begged "What's happened?"

"It's over" she cried.


I had gone straight back to Lucie's that night. She was in such a state.

James rang her to say he wasn't coming to see them and that he never would be again. His ex-girlfriend was pregnant and he wanted to start a new life with her. She was three months gone; Lucie had been sleeping with him for four.

I wanted to kill him, to scream and shout that he wasn't just hurting and ruining Lucie's life he was also doing it to his own Son but I guess he was too selfish to even care!

The following day I stayed with her looking after Charlie,holding her in my arms when she cried, listened when she ranted and raved overJames. She was completely torn apart.

Black shadows appeared under her eyes, her face gaunt and her skin grey. I hated to see her this way. Charlie didn't understand he kept asking after his Dad wondering why he hadn't shown up when he had promised.

My heart went out to them both.

What had James done? If only he realised the destruction he was leaving behind, the confusion and hurt in his Son's eyes he had caused. 

My Mum and Dad were thankfully arriving in a few days to stay with us until just after New Year and I knew this would help. Lucie needed my Mum, needed her comfort and support.

Our parents had eventually moved to Yorkshire three months ago so it would take them a good seven hour journey by car to get here.

It felt strange them living so far away.

Before, knowing they were in Devon where I grew up I could mentally picture them going about their day to day business now however I couldn't imagine them at all; where they sat and had their morning cup of tea, or the garden my Dad pottered around in, the shops my Mum visited.

I knew they were happy with their decision which pleased me, they deserved everything in life and Lucie and I had already planned to visit them in the New Year.

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