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I indicated left towards the sign for Exeter.

The journey hadn't taken as long as I had expected but I'm sure that was due to my erratic driving. I was in a rush to see her, to see Thea. Two weeks had been too long! I missed her, longing to see her beautiful face, to hear her lovely sweet voice, to smell her intoxicating scent, to feel her lips on mine and taste her mouth.

I cast my mind back to our last kiss, a kiss I never wanted to finish but like everything all good things had to come to an end. 

 I had driven her straight back to her Sister's house not wanting to spoil the evening by suggesting a coffee at my place. I knew it would probably lead to sex and it wasn't the fact I didn't want her, far from it! God it had actually taken all my will power to leave her there. It just somehow didn't feel right.

Thea was a lady, special in every way and when it did hopefully happen I wanted it to be a perfect moment, a time she would never forget.

I knew of course if Rob or in fact any of my other friends could hear my thoughts I would never live it down but it was different with Thea, I was different! I didn't just want to fuck her and then leave. I wanted to know her, to possess her, to be a part of her life.

I had spent my days in the past two weeks with a permanent goofy smile upon my face, waiting patiently for her next message or to hear her voice on my phone something which would have never happened before. I had never been in the past so enthralled in a women and I had only been in her company twice! 

She would keep me informed on how her arrangements were going for her big move, how there might be a possible job transfer to the Brighton branch which I prayed she would get it. Work was hard to come by and I didn't want her to worry or have any stress.

 I wanted her to settle in easily, scared maybe she would change her mind!


"So" Kate badgered as she placed the steaming cup of coffee down in front of me. "I want details!"

I had beaten Kate to it the day after my date with Thea by turning up at her place rather than her popping to see me. We were sat in the large airy kitchen, the rest of the house awake, fully dressed buzzing around us, going about their business.

"You're not the only one!" Rob piped up winking.

I shook my head ignoring him.

"I don't know what to say!" I answered honestly taking a sip of the sugary treat.

I loved coffee it was one of the reasons I woke in the mornings.

"It went great! I'm visiting her in two weeks in Exeter, then she will be moving here shortly afterwards".

Sadie slammed down a pan, starling everyone else but herself.

 "What does she want to move here for?" she quipped.

I looked up into her hurt eyes. There was history between us, a drunken one night stand, one I wished never had happened!

Ever since she seemed different around me, always flirting giving me the come on which I tried to brush off. A few times I had hooked up with women and Sadie hated them all, never once being polite, always aloof and unresponsive.

"I guess she loves the Seaside better on this coast" I shrugged.

"Well, I'm pleased for you" Danny said joining in, "Can't wait to meet her".

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