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"Jake Bugg?" Rob asked examining the Cd case in his hands. "I like it. He's pretty good".

"Yea, I just bought it. Thea mentioned him last night" I admitted.

I could see Rob raising an eyebrow at me out of the corner of my eye but I chose to ignore him, instead concentrating on the road ahead.

I was still trying to get my head around the night I had with her. I couldn't get over how relaxed I felt in her company, how easy it was to speak to her, the way she had made me feel! God , yes the way she made me feel! I hadn't had a naughty wet dream since I was a teenager!!!

The first thing I did as I jumped into my car this morning was to head to the nearest music shop and buy this album. I wanted to hear what she listened to, what lyrics made her tick. I felt intrigued. I had heard of the artist before but had never purchased any of his stuff and now listening to him I couldn't fathom the reason why? I instantly liked him as soon as the first beats were played. He reminded me of Bob Dylan or Johnny Cash, a lyrical genius in the making.

My mind returned to Thea, imaging her body which had blown me away the previous night, swaying gently to the music.

"I can't believe you didn't ask her back to yours!" Rob commented interrupting my daydream. "She was like putty in your hands!".

I frowned immediately feeling irritated by his words.

"I bet she will put out for you tonight" he continued.

I gripped at the steering wheel trying to get a hold of my unnecessary anger brewing inside me. I wished he would shut up! I didn't like him talking about her in such a way, treating her like a piece of meat, another women on my notch. But the thought of her with me alone in my room had me squirming in my seat.

"Her Sister was nice."

My eyes darted towards him, narrowing as he broke out in laughter.

"Ok, I'll stop!" he teased.

"Idiot!" I commented.

He was always trying to wind me up but he knew his liaison's with other women were a no go area. It was bad enough I had to witness him cheating on my Sister without him showing off.

Even after four years of them being together I still couldn't wrap my head around it. I couldn't share the women I was with and I guess I just didn't understand. To me it was cheating... period! And I hated lies and deceit of any kind. Any type of betrayal was hard for me to handle.

If I was really truthful to myself this was why I had never been interested in a relationship. Could I truly be honest to that person? Could they stop other women turning my head? Could I stop them falling into the arms of another man?

Never once had I cheated on anyone but then I never put myself in that position. I couldn't hurt someone in that way knowing what destruction it caused, I had seen enough with my Mum. It would go against everything I believed in that's why for me it had always been best to stick with one night stands.

Being in a relationship was a gamble and only worth taking for a special person, a person who could capture my heart. But I wasn't stupid! I knew real love was a rarity.

"You like her don't you?" he suddenly asked turning serious.

I shrugged trying not to give anything away, wanting to keep my feelings for Thea to myself until I knew what they meant and of course if she felt the same way. It had only been one encounter after all! I might meet her tonight and feel nothing yet I knew this couldn't possibly be true. Already butterflies danced in my belly at the anticipation of just seeing her face again, her sexy cute dimples, those eyes. God yes those mesmerizing eyes, and her shapely figure!

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