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I sat watching her walk away towards the entrance heading towards the toilets.

We found ourselves in a nice pub along the seafront with a beer garden outside to enjoy the sunny summers afternoon in together. The place was heaving but even so we somehow managed to find a small table, one I grabbed quickly before any onlookers spied it first.                                                                                                                                                      

It was beautiful here at Exmouth. The area we were staying at, Sandy Bay, had one of the nicest beaches I had ever come across. Golden sand stretching out for at least a couple of miles, the sea a wonderful blue, the warmth of the sun glistening on the waves.                                                                                                                                                                                                  

I felt good, happy and I knew this wasn't just because of my surroundings. It was Thea. Everything felt fresh and exciting with her, giving me a new lease for life.

I couldn't get enough of her company. I never felt I could grow bored. I was drawn to her. Like a musical instrument needed its conductor, I needed Thea. She was the person who could play me to anyone of her tunes.

What was she doing to me!!!

She had been overjoyed with the caravan idea and for me it was nice to make some new memories instead of the dark ones from my childhood.

I had only been in a caravan once before when I was younger with my Family. I remembered the heavy rain, the dull miserable skies, the constant arguing between my Mum and Tony, my Step Dad. All the drunken nights, fists flying, my Mum desperate to knock some sense into him! Kate and I scampering, desperate to stay out of both their ways the entire time.                                                                                                                                                                    

I shook the unwanted images away falling back into my calm state of mind, the sun warming my skin when my phone pinged with a message.

Hiya Matt, how's it going? Are you having a nice time? Mum's shower needs looking at. She thinks it's broken and Rob has just asked if he can pop to yours and borrow your black shirt. I would say yes! You know he will only take it otherwise! Hope you're having lots of fun. Don't forget to mention me, love ya Kate x

I started to reply when Thea returned.                                                                                                            

"Sorry" I said as she waited patiently for me to finish "It's just my Sister being nosey now!" I winked.                                                                                                                                         

Her eyes widened in horror and I couldn't keep from laughing.

She shook her head admonishing me, trying to give me the best evil look she could but her grin and mesmerizing dancing eyes were giving her away.                                                                                                                                          

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