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It had been the best six months of my life.

I was still living at Lucie's house making myself comfortable on her sofa, pulling my stuff out from my boxes when needed but most of the time I just borrowed from her wardrobe or went shopping. Then again if I was honest, half my life now was spent naked always being pulled into Matt's warm loving arms.

I didn't need anything just him!

It was nice to be here with her and Charlie. I knew she liked having me around too. I was company for her although she was back in touch with James now.

They had advised a plan; he would come over every other weekend and have Charlie, staying with his Sister nearby. But in the past few months he had somehow managed to crawl his way back into Lucie's bed.

I wasn't happy about the situation but what could I do?

She was a big girl and knew what she was doing. I did try to voice my concerns but I got shot down instantly.

"Thea, you don't know what it's like! He is the father of my child and I love him!" 

I knew I wouldn't be able to change her mind. Lucie was very stubborn when she wanted to be and would dig her heels in. I would just have to be there for her and pray that this time James would be a decent man and be the Dad and partner Lucie and Charlie both needed.

I tried to escape most weekends to Matt's place when James was over. I didn't even like to be in the same room as him! It was so false the way I had to act like he hadn't pulled my Sister's heart out of her chest and ripped it apart.

But I loved being with Matt. It was definitely no chore at all!

We both worked all week so we made the most of our weekends together.

Sometimes we would take Charlie out for a few hours to relieve Lucie and give her a much needed break but more importantly because we loved being around him. I think Matt almost loved him as much as me, and Charlie adored Matt.

We would spend the rest of our time with Kate, Rob and the others.

Sadie was becoming less hostile towards me now although she constantly gave Matt the knowing 'I want you' look, and flirted with him at every opportunity but I wasn't fazed anymore.

I knew Matt wasn't going anywhere and that he loved me like I loved him. We were two halves of the same person.

Kate and I had taken up running together on an evening after work, sometimes an early Sunday morning. It was lovely being out again, being able to run along the beach, take in the view, the sea, the sky, feel the air in our lungs. There was nothing like a good run to clear the cobwebs and Kate and I got on so well. It was nice to have some girlie time.

She had become my best friend.

We would talk about everything, work, family, friends, men and I got the impression that her 'open relationship' with Rob wasn't her idea. In fact I believed it actually hurt her deeply but I never dug for information. It was her business and I knew she would open up to me if and when she was ready too.

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