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"Matt, I'm not sure about this!" I said ducking down while he helped me into the front seat of his car.

He shut the door and walked round to the driver's side, the wind outside whipping at his hair. When he climbed in all wind swept, he turned back to face me. I was set further away from him due to my leg still being in plaster.

I had another four weeks left of it being encased. Then I would need another X ray to determine whether my ankle, in which I had broken from my fall and my Femur thighbone that the car had hit, were correctly mending, and my leg was in actual fact on the way to becoming useful.

My Femur thighbone would take the longest to heal. They had performed several operations placing plates and screws to straighten my bones once more. After my next scan if I finally got the all clear, I would then need to see a physical therapist. The whole process could take months.

I immediately panicked about work but Nicky my manager had kindly been to visit, reassuring me my job was not only safe but I could come back whenever I was ready.

I had been in hospital for two months recovering, being pumped with pain killers and a number of other drugs which left me drowsy and unfocused. I believed the first week I slept more than I had in years.

They checked me for everything, asking questions upon questions, test after test and making certain I didn't move, putting me on bed rest. But with my leg suspended in the air I wasn't sure how far they thought I could go! They kept a very close eye on me, scanning for any further internal bleeding, watching my brain and heart activity.

For reasons unknown at the scene of the accident my heart had given in. Twice they had to resuscitate me, something I couldn't quite comprehend. I couldn't remember a thing! Matt on the other hand could hardly bring himself to think about that painful memory.

When he finally told me the full ordeal in detail he had closed his eyes in pain, the memories swamping him. I watched helpless as the tears escaped rolling silently down his stubble cheeks.

I had been in a coma for three days all in all having severe concussion. Six of my ribs had been broken in the accident. They were now healed and I was finding it easier to breathe again, the tightness in my chest gone. The bruising down one side of my body where I had landed hard on the concrete had almost disappeared leaving a greenish yellowy tinge to them. The cut under my ear I received as I touched based needed stitches only leaving a minute scar.

In my time at the hospital I had everyone come and visit.

My Mum and Lucie stayed with me a lot not wanting to leave my side. My Mum felt guilty for not being there when I woke no matter how hard I tried to convince her otherwise. Both, her and Lucie had headed back to my house for a quick shower and some hot food before returning and in a way it was a blessing. It gave me and Matt the time we needed.

Charlie however was back in Yorkshire being looked after by Tim but constantly rang for updates.

Things between Tim and my Sister were growing further. He lived with them now having his daughter from his previous relationship stay with them on a weekend. And he was great with Charlie taking him on like his own. Lucie was the happiest I had ever seen her and it warmed my heart. She deserved so much after everything she had been through.

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