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My palms were sweaty, my stomach knotted into a tight fisted ball, a nervous thrill running through me.

I had been ready for over an hour, sitting trying desperately to be patient.

I didn't know what to wear. I was indecisive practically trying on every item of clothing I possessed, finally settling for my skinny jeans and fitted cowboy checked shirt, the one I knew Matt liked on me. He had always given me compliments whenever I had worn it before.

My hair was washed and blow dried and straightened into place. I even applied a little make up to try and hide the black circles under my eyes. I wanted to look nice for him.

I began pacing the living room. My heart was pounding in my ears and every now and again a wave of nausea would wash over me.

I still couldn't believe this moment was happening. Matt was coming to see me!

What would he say? What would he look like?

Images of the previous weekend came to mind. His horrible alien shaved head, his beaten face, his bedraggled beard, the hurt in his glorious chocolate brown eyes.

I wondered if I would still see the pain? Would my betrayal still scream out at me?

I shone away from this rogue thought. I needed to be positive now.

This had to work! I had to show him we could still be friends.

The sudden knock at the door startled me. He was early by at least ten minutes.

Butterflies started flying around my stomach, the wave of nausea rearing its head once more. I inhaled deeply but as I went to greet him instead of Matt standing there in my doorway it was Benson.

I gasped loudly at the sight of him as I fell slightly back, petrified of the image in front of me.

What was he doing here?

I hadn't seen him since that morning I had woken up in his bed with his half naked body laid next to me, the smell of sex, alcohol and deceit hanging heavily in the air.

My hand instantly ran to my mouth in horror. Beneath me, my legs started to shake uncontrollably with shock and immense fear.

Matt would be here any minute and Benson was at my door!

My eyes widened in disbelief.

"Hi Thee, how you doing?" he smiled casually.

I could tell he had been drinking; he breathed sweet alcohol on to me.

He was wearing blue pale jeans and a Brighton and Hove Albion football shirt with a smug look upon his face, his eyes shining in anticipation and with too much knowledge.

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