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*I have added many songs so far through this book. But this song, this band, is one of my favourites. They're an up and coming band here in England and I wish them all the best from their greatest fan. Seafret... I applaud you*





My nightmare of Matt moving on was over and life between us carried on in the normal fashion. I started living again as I once had before with hope in my heart. Matt was in my life, not in the way I wanted but at least as a friend.

On a night my dreams and depression still continued to plague me, the heavy fog only seeming to seize when he was around. I willed my days to pass. Work dragged endlessly. All I was interested in was finishing at five o'clock making it through yet another day, one more step nearer to seeing him. My body physically ached without him, my mind a constant place of torture.

But my respite was soon abruptly put to an end.

It was only just over a month since Matt's split from Jessica when he introduced Naomi to everyone on Sadie's birthday night out.

My world once more came crashing down around me. There was no pre warning, he never mentioned her to me. I was a sitting duck, his bullet piercing straight through my vulnerable flesh to my beating heart.

Naomi was yet another blond bombshell. Her hair was even longer than Jessica's, cascading down the length of her slim, toned figure. She was tall, almost at Matt's height. Her lips I noticed the perfect height for him to kiss her without having to crane his neck. Once again he had picked out the prettiest woman in the room, her face natural, beautiful tanned skin. Compared to Jessica, Naomi was a knock out. A much better match for Matt.

The pain I had felt before came barrelling at me with vengeance, knocking the wind from my sails. They looked amazing together. A handsome, sexy couple who would go on to have stunning children.

The blunt knife of cruelty twisted further into me at the very, thought.

At first I tried my hardest not to dwell on the facts; he was sleeping with her, they were in a relationship and he obviously liked her. But as the weeks started ticking by the questions in my head grew.

Was he falling in love? Did they share common interests? Did she stay over at his or did they sleep together in her bed at her place? Had he taken her body on the sofa I now sit upon with him next to me as I yearn for him to see me once more?

I noticed the subtle changes in him since she had entered his life.

His body was now even more trim, his muscles once again stretching the material of the tops he wore. His eyes had grown less hollow yet the colour still dulled. He shaved often never leaving himself to go unkempt. He was making an effort for this one. He even began to show her off, taking her out on the rare occasions we would all meet up.

The days of all of us hanging out together were far and few between since Matt and I had split up. Probably due to the others not wanting a night with a tense atmosphere, dagger staring eyes, words kept unspoken and a volley of grunts and heavy sighs.

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