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I sat on the edge of the jetty with my legs dangling down, dipping into the heavenly warm, turquoise blue water, the tropical sea surrounding me. You could see everything so clearly here. The wonderful colours of tropical fish swimming around my feet, the slightly darkened areas of the sea coral to the glistening sun on the water's surface.

Behind me stood our very own private beach hut cornered in by the golden sand. The blistering sun beating down on my body had already begun soaking up the beads of water from my recent swim.                                                                                       

Matt and I were on our honeymoon on the breath taking island of Fiji, my surprise wedding gift from him. I hadn't known where we were travelling too until the very last minute at the airport. He had produced the flight tickets to me, a bow wrapped decoratively around them. Two tickets to Fiji for a week then we would be setting off to Mexico for a further fourteen days.                                                                              

"Matt!" I said in surprise "We're really going?"                                                                                                                         

He smiled his winning smile pulling me into his big bear hug, securing me to him.                                                

"You've always wanted to go to Fiji and South America" he shrugged "I couldn't think of a better time".                                                                                                                                                                                                          

I kissed him passionately and probably with a little too much enthusiasm, forcing him to take a step back, but I kept our lips locked. He picked me up, my legs wrapping around his torso deepening the kiss but it didn't linger for as long as I hoped. Gently he pulled away setting me back down on my feet, clearing his throat with a smile playing on his lips, a devilish gleam to his brown eyes.                                                                                                                                               

"I think maybe we should leave that till we get some more privacy!" he teased into my ear, scrapping his teeth over my lobe causing a tingly shiver to run down my spine.                                                                                                                                             

I glanced around noticing a group of young teenagers laughing at us and I blushed deeply, the heat rising up over my body.

Matt erupted into laughter at my embarrassment taking my hand and pulling us away from our tormentors

"Come on, our plane awaits us!" he winked.

I smiled out to the glistening sea at the memory, catching a glimpse of Matt's sun kissed, tanned body bobbing in the water. He was still snorkelling fascinated by the tropical marine life. I had been alongside him but decided to take a rest here, my right leg beginning to hinder me in the water.                        

I had a permanent hobble now to my walk although only slight and I couldn't seem to do all the things I had before my accident, like running. I still jogged but it was slow and never for very far but I didn't mind. I didn't care about any of it. I was blessed, lucky to be alive! Lucky to wake every morning with Matt by my side.                                                                                                                                  

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