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We pulled up outside a new building that stood three stories high. It was built to look like the surrounding buildings of the Regent Era which was a main feature of Brighton's architecture.

We said our goodbyes to Rob then Matt led the way up the concrete stairs to the entrance.

Inside we stood in a small black marbled reception area, stairs climbing up to the left of us with two elevators to the right. The walls were cream, decorated with old black and white photographs of Brighton and Hove.

Neither of us had breathed a word since up on the clifftops. I felt nervous and excited all at the same time!

In the elevator the tension only grew. His hand cradled mine and the simple touch had the sparks flying.

We headed up to the top floor and when here we made a right turn towards the second door along, Number eight.

As he led me through the doorway, the room opened up in front of me.

It was open planned. The living room lay on the left hand side. A brown leather sofa with a small rectangular pine table sat in the centre, a large flat screen opposite. On the wall was a built in fireplace and directly underneath a shaggy soft looking cream carpet.

Opposite the living room on the other side lived the kitchen decorated in creams and browns, this theme running right through the entire floor space.

The back of the apartment narrowed. Along the left hand side was a doorway which I presumed led to the bathroom and bedrooms. Further back was a single brown leather chair with a guitar settled against the arm, facing the French doors which opened out onto a Juliet balcony.

Straight away I felt a homely feeling wash over me.

I could imagine Matt sat on the sofa watching telly with the electric fireplace switched on in the cooler months to warm him, or stood in the kitchen preparing his dinner, even sitting in his chair by the French doors playing on his guitar.

I could feel his presence everywhere!

"It's a lovely place" I commented.

He came up behind me his arms circling me, his head resting lightly on my shoulder.

"Yea, it should be. It costs enough! I want to own my own house one day but saving for a deposit and living here is almost impossible!" he shrugged. "I guess, I could move somewhere that was cheaper to rent but I like it here".

I nodded in agreement; it really was lovely and put my bedsit to complete shame.

"Where's the cardboard box u love so much?" I teased carrying on with my inspection.

I felt his smile widen on my shoulder.

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