Ch-9 Secrets Unveiled

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Just because the past didn't turn out like you wanted it to, doesn't mean your future can't be better than you ever imagined.

You are free to choose but you are not free from the consequence of your choice.

"No?" She said with sass and confusion.

"As in no we will not be living together in less than a month. I'm not going to college because I did something terribly stupid and I can't take it back so yelling at me isn't going to change a thing." I huffed out in one breath. I can tell she isn't understanding.


"Hannah, I'm freaking pregnant! There are babies inside of me growing into little human beings. I don't like it just as much as you do, but it's a done deal." Her jaw dropped to the floor. I can't believe I just told her! She's going to hate me forever.

"No you're not." She scoffed in denial after picking her jaw up off the floor. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. Like I'd ever joke about something like this.

"Yes I'm pregnant! And I'm keeping my babies. I'm going to love them. I made that decision to have sex and they don't deserve to get punished for my mistakes. As for the lecture you're about to give me, I don't want to hear it." I looked at poor little Ella who's witnessing all of this. "Come on sweetie, you wanna go to the park?" I held out my hand and she grabbed it.

"How could you be so stupid!" She started in on me. I walked Ella out front and buckled her into her car seat. "What happened to waiting until after you're married?" I put my seat belt on and started my truck.

I took a big deep breath as I pulled into the park, which was only two blocks from Ella's house. "You wanna go play on the swings?" I asked, taking the keys out of the ignition. I hopped out and unbuckled Ella, helping her out. She ran over to the swings, I'm gonna take that as a yes.

"Push me." She tried to climb into the swing, but needed help. After being at the park for a hour, I decided it's time to go back to her house. She's probably getting hungry for dinner.

We arrived back at her house just when Emily and Cole were getting back. Great. "Come on Ella. What do you want for dinner?" I fumbled with her seat belt, trying to unbuckle it. Once it was unfastened, she hopped out and met her brother at the front door. She jumped on his leg. She's so cute!

"Hey Ella." He swooped her up, carrying her inside as she giggled. It's really amazing how trusting she is of him when the first time she ever met him was a few months ago. Emily followed behind them.

I pretended to search through my truck for something, but in reality, I haven't lost anything. Except for my virginity, my chance to go to college, a close friend and the respect of others, but I'm not going to find any of that on the floorboard.

After a few minutes of hoping the two would leave or at least Emily would, I realized that probably wasn't going to happen. I finally went inside and tried to busy myself. First by making dinner for Ella, and then by bathing her and getting her ready for bed. Finally, Emily decided to leave. She waved at me and smiled before taking off. She'll be going to college soon, so will half the kids in this town.

However Emily's almost twenty years old, so she'll be going into her sophomore year of College. We were all so excited for this year to come, when Emily, Hannah and I could all be in college together. We would be able to have long study nights, go to college football games and maybe a few parties. I'm trying to tell myself that everything is going to be just fine and that life goes on, differently of course but it will definitely go on.

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