Ch- 5 Expect the Unexpected

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A baby is what you carry inside you for 9 months, in your arms for 3 years & in your heart till the day you die.

"Oh he's beautiful." I cooed over baby Steven. Belle gave birth on Sunday at 10:58 p.m. Her husband Jeremy called me around 8:00 when I was in the middle of dinner with my Grammy, Pam, and Brandon. It didn't make my grandma happy when I had to leave in a hurry with no warning. It was just an awkward dinner with our grandmothers breathing down our necks, so I didn't mind leaving.

Jeremy called and said that the labor was advancing fast. Apparently Belle's water broke while cooking dinner. We've all sat down and talked it out that I was to be called when her water broke, but Belle told Jeremy not to call me until at least seven to make sure she wasn't interrupting my Sunday dinner.

When I got there I helped her with some breathing exercises and some other things to help her calm down. By ten I decided to call Vanessa, the experienced midwife, because the labor was progressing so fast. Fifty-eight minutes later, baby Steven was born. Vanessa guided me as I delivered the baby. It was really truly amazing handing him to Belle and seeing her face.
"So what's really up with you and Emily?" Hannah asked while sipping on her ice coffee. She won't stop asking me and I keep telling her nothing's wrong and that we just haven't had time to hang out, but she's not believing it. Hannah took another drink of her iced coffee, still looking at me suspiciously. It made a slurping noise because there was nothing left in there. Still she did it repeatedly.

"God Hannah I told you, nothing's wrong, and for the love of God stop slurping on that it's been gone for five minutes." I snapped sighing at the end of my lecture. Hannah pushed her drink aside and leaned her head on her hand. I closed my eyes for a few seconds before reopening them.

"Sorry. I've just been really irritated lately. I feel all fat and bloated and just urgh." I groaned leaning back in my chair and crossing my legs.

"You're on your period aren't you?" She got up and tossed her empty cup in the trash.

"Should be, sometime this week." I replied, also standing up, I repeated Hannah's actions throwing my cup away. "That would explain why my hormones are going all crazy." Like yesterday when I was sitting on the porch swing, Braxton and Hattie ran into the house, then back out, then back in, which is status quo at my house, but I just snapped. They looked at me like I belonged in an institution since I never yell at them.

"What are you doing later? You wanna come over?" She asked while walking to her car and pressing a button on her keys, unlocking the doors.

"Can't. Grammy is making me hang out with Brandon." I complained before stubbing my toe on the curb, yelping in pain.

"Oh I see, have fun." She winked at me getting in her car. No Hannah, that's not the kind of relationship Brandon and I have. "Bye love you." She yelled out the window pulling away from the curb and driving off.

I jingled my keys as I walked to my truck, slipping in and starting it up. On the way home, I thought about what I'd be doing today. I have to go home and shower, then babysit for Carly and Fred until three when Carly gets off work. Then at four Brandon has something planned, more like our grandmas have something planned. Sorry, but I'm so not looking forward to it, more like dreading it.

I know I said I've never felt exactly like that about a boy, that still remains true, but I'm still not into being in a relationship. Plus I know he lives in South Dakota and I in Alabama, how is that ever supposed to work? I'll also be attending college. Relationships and college just don't match. I'm not gonna just jump into his arms and live happily ever after when I know almost nothing about him and if he even likes me.

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