Ch-3 A Lost Friendship

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Head up, stay strong, fake a smile, move on.

Sometimes you gotta accept the facts that certain things will never go back to how they used to be.

After many days of the details haunting me, I was finally allowed some peace of mind when I sat myself down one night and told myself to stop feeling sorry for myself, there's nothing I can do to change what happened.

As corny as it sounds, it was a success. It doesn't mean I don't think about it, but I'm definitely less mopey which I'm sure my family appreciates.

"Hey Jess." I looked over at my mom who had just set the house phone back on it's base. "I just got off the phone with Carly. The Whipple's are coming over for dinner." She informed me. I was actually for the idea. I like Carly and Fred and they'll be sure to bring Ella. It'll be a test though, to see if I can really get over what happened. After all it is in Carly and Fred's house that the 'crime scene' went down.

"Okay." I nodded my head happily.

The phone rung once more and my mom picked it back up returning it up to her ear. "Hello." She spoke. "Of course..."

I scurried up the stairs and into my bedroom. I grabbed my cellphone and book off the table. Going back downstairs and outside, I sat on the porch swing out front reading 'If I Stay'. It's an awesome read and I can't get my nose out of it. Adam and Mia are perfect. I squealed like a teenage girl, not that I'm not one, when Adam asked Mia to a Yo Yo Ma concert and then they kissed afterwards.

The time got away from me while I was reading. It always does. "Mama said get decent, the Whipple's are going to be here in 45 minutes." Nathan informed me before walking past with a football in hand.

I was so engrossed in the book that I kept telling myself one more page, one more page. Before I knew it, it'd been 20 minutes. I knew I had to get ready now. I'm not worried about looking gorgeous or anything, I just want to look presentable.

"Hey Jess." My dad said as he passed me on the stairs.

"Hey daddio." I responded back. I also passed by my brothers who were on their way downstairs. Yeah I'm gonna have to get ready quick. Everybody's already done.

I fishtailed my hair quickly and put on light make-up. My clothes were fine, a comfy v-neck camouflage tee and a pair of jeans. Shoes didn't really matter, I don't need them inside. If we ended up outside then I'd slip on some shoes, but for now fuzzy socks are the obvious choice. I didn't look very 'dressed up', but I didn't really care. It's just Carly, Fred and Ella.

As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs, the doorbell rung. It was almost like I stepped onto something that triggered the doorbell. "Somebody get that!" My mama's voice echoed throughout the house. I looked around and saw nobody was going to get it so I volunteered.

"I'll get it!" I slowly opened the door, Carly and Fred, who was holding Ella, were waiting to be invited in. "Come on in." I ushered them. "You look pretty." I complimented Carly who is in a blush colored cocktail dress. Her brown hair rests on her back in curls.

"Thank you sweetie." She looked for something to compliment me back on. "Your braid is very pretty. You'll have to teach me how to do that sometime."

"Of course." We walked into the dining room. The table is already set up and extra chairs are pulled up to the sides.

"This looks yummy! Thanks for having us over Charlotte." Carly thanked my mama. My mama made pulled pork in the crock pot. The smell has my mouth watering.

After we got everybody situated and in their seats, I had the sudden urge to pee. I excused myself and used the upstairs bathroom. On my way back down stairs, I heard a knock on the door. My first instinct was to get it. I pulled it open, Cole and Emily were standing on the other side. Cole was wearing Emily on his arm like an accessory. It made my stomach turn. I wanted to run away and hide, but that would be suspicious. Instead I stood there speechless. Cole smirked at me. The same overused smirk that he gives to every girl he sees. He knew I was freaking.

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