Ch-46 Three Months Later

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Three months later

I grabbed Luke's hand and led him into the house behind me. "Hey Cole," I greeted as we entered the front door.

"Hey," he said and eyed Luke and then looked at me. It's a little awkward because I've been hanging out with Luke a lot and we do all of the things couples do but we haven't made anything official. However I sleep with Cole off and on sometimes. Of course Luke doesn't know that and obviously if we made things official I would cut all sexual ties with Cole.

"Hey my sweet boys," I said to my babies as I walked over to the play mat in the middle of the living room. Jax can sit up by himself and Josiah rolls everywhere now. In fact Josiah rolled off of the mat. I picked him up and gave him a kiss. "Say hi Luke," I picked up his hand and waved to Luke and Siah smiled at him when he made a funny face.

"My mom is coming over soon to see the boys," Cole told me and I sighed, immediately feeling like my day is ruined. She went into this phase where she gives me advice on how to raise the boys and I appreciated it at first but now all she ever says is "well I did it this way". I'm not even married and I feel like I have in-laws.

I walked into the kitchen with Josiah on my hip and made bottles for the both of the boys. I stopped breastfeeding recently because Jaxon cut his first two teeth and now Cole and I are doing better on money since we both have jobs so we can afford formula.

I took the boys in my room and Luke followed me. I fed the boys and had a conversation with Luke.

"You are a great mom," he complimented me and I smiled at him.

"I don't know about that but I try my best," I smoothed Jax's dark hair and cradled Josiah.

"I can tell," he leaned over and kissed my cheek making me smile. He is the sweetest guy I've ever met. I noticed a pair of Cole's boxers on my bedroom floor and I kissed Luke to distract him from looking over there. After he pulled away, lucky for me(not), he looked. He didn't say anything and pretended like he didn't see them. He looked into my eyes and he knew I saw them too. After a minute he asked me something concerning them.

"Do you and Cole still have a thing?" He asked like it pained him.

"No. There was never a thing, I told you when I got pregnant we weren't even a thing," I answered and laid the boys next to each other so they could play. They love seeing each other.

"Then whose are those?" He asked and gestured to the boxers laying near my dresser.

"Remember we promised to be truthful to each other, remember that when I tell you this," I paused scared to tell him the truth but he deserves it. "I've been sl- Cole and I are not a thing, I'm not interested in him, I want you," I assured him nervously. I've never seen Luke upset so I'm scared to say something that might throw off his usually cool demeanor. "We have slept together a few more times since I got pregnant, recently actually. But we are just friends because we have to be because we have children together," I explained and rubbed Jaxon's belly to make him laugh.

"So the whole time we've been kissing and touchy towards each other you've been sleeping with Cole?" He asked for clarification. I nodded and he shook his head. "I don't know how I feel about that. Is that why you haven't been ready to make anything official?" He questioned and waited for an answer.

"No, not at all," I replied truthfully. I am afraid to be in a serious relationship because I've never had one before.

"I really like you Jessalynn, a lot. My brother tells me to shut up because I talk about you so much. You are an amazing woman and mother and you're gorgeous," he ranted on about me and I leaned forward, putting my hands around his neck. I pressed my lips to his and then I kissed all over his face to make him laugh.

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