Ch-55 Hospital Visit

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The boys let me sleep in later than usual but when they did wake up they were screaming to be fed. When the boys were sitting in their highchairs and I was leaning over the stove, making them pancakes, I felt a strong contraction. "Ooh okay ow," I breathed through it and filled a cup with water. That contraction was intense. It almost took my breath away and I had to stop what I was doing and lean over the counter.

"Crap," I cursed at the smell of burnt pancakes. I dumped it into the garbage and poured more batter. My boys are too picky to eat burnt pancakes. They have to be perfectly golden brown or they'll find a tiny black mark and point at it and blabber until I 'fix' it.

"Crap," Jax said more clearly than any other word he has ever said. I turned around to see him throw his hands into the air and giggle. Oh my what did I just do.

I need to be more careful with what I say now that the boys are starting to talk. I put the pancakes on a plate and tore them into tiny pieces. I put their breakfast on the highchair trays and also cut up a banana and gave them blueberries. This is a typical breakfast for them, that or oatmeal.

I was walking to the fridge when I felt another contraction and grabbed the nearest thing which happened to be the fridge handle. I couldn't help but bend my knees and bear through the pain. These were strangely painful contractions for not being in labor.

Luckily I was standing up straight again in a minute. I took a deep breath and rubbed my belly like I always do. I hope my children appreciate all that I went through in order to bring them into this world. All of the pain, kicking, sleepless nights, morning sickness, leg cramps, hormones, stretch marks, contractions, and labor. Not to mention all of the trouble and sacrifice moms go through to raise their children for the next eighteen years or more correctly, the rest of their lives.

They really took a toll on my body and little miss is still in the oven so my body won't be back to normal anytime soon. Good thing I love them and wouldn't change this.

Another contraction hit and I squeezed my eyes shut. Okay, this is nerve racking. These contractions are comparable to early labor pains. I've drank lots of water since I felt the first contraction and the pains are still going strong.

I put the boys near their toys in the living room and took a seat on the couch. I turned on the tv and decided to time the contractions. Another contraction pain hit 4 minutes later and I wrote the time down.

For the next 2 hours they were between 4 and 6 minutes apart almost faithfully. I couldn't be in labor months early. Baby girl still has some developing to do and I haven't boughten more than a few outfits for her. I am not prepared.

I definitely didn't want to call Cole unless I was sure something was happening. So I would call him if the doctor confirmed a medical problem but otherwise it could be just a false alarm.

I was not going to take the boys to the emergency room though. There are too many germs and strains of sicknesses that my sons do not need. Heck I probably shouldn't even be around it as a pregnant woman.

I called my doctor and she told me I should go in so I took the boys to my parents for mom to watch them and Paisley went to the hospital with me. Driving to my moms was horrible during contractions but luckily after that Pais drove to the hospital, all the way in Dakota. I know driving an hour away to a hospital when there is one in my town is silly but I love my OBGYN and I've been with her since I found out I was pregnant with the boys. I don't want to switch doctors now because they would know nothing about me and I would be uncomfortable.

I checked myself into the hospital and they took me into a tiny space with a curtain to first exam me before they would admit me into the labor ward.

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