Ch- 33 A Whole New World

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It's 4:00 p.m. January 19 and I went into labor at 9:30 p.m. January 18. It's almost been 24 excruciating hours and I'm still in early labor. I have only increased dilation by 1 centimeter totaling to 4 1/2 centimeters. Everybody is getting cranky, including me.

I feel disgusting. I gave myself a sponge bath but it's not the same as a shower or regular bath. They said they would allow me to take either but my skin feels sensitive and the thought of water touching it isn't appealing. Petty I know, but I'm in labor, cut me some slack. My hair hasn't been brushed in a day because I refuse to let anybody touch it. I barely let Hannah throw it up on top of my head in a really messy bun.

"I'm starving!" I complained and ate ice chips. I haven't ate any real food since 3 hours before I went into labor a day ago and I am so hungry. I can't have food since I may throw up due to the medication. My boys are probably hungry too.

"I'm going down to the food court," Cole said and Hannah switched places with him so she could rub my back. They've all had to take turns sleeping, getting food and rubbing my back. Poor Cole has got the worst of it and has to constantly rub my back because he is the best at back massages. Hannah is lazy at it and my mama is good for about five minutes before she forgets. "I doubt anything will happen but if it does, you know where I'll be," he yawned and exited the room.

They've all got sleep though. I've been up this whole time dealing with all of this pain and it is more tiring than sitting around waiting. I just want to sleep and take a nap.

The doctor walked in and was holding a bag of clear fluids. "We are going to speed things up here," she said with a smile. "Walking doesn't work so we'll try Pitocin. It's going to increase your contractions hopefully opening up your cervix," she hooked it up and then did another vaginal exam. I will be so happy when I don't have to open my legs all of the time.

"More contractions?" I asked nervously. She nodded.

"And stronger. I know that doesn't sound good but the sooner we get these little ones out of you, the better. They don't have the amniotic sac protecting them from infection anymore," she explained and I dreaded when the medication kicked in. "You are dilated to five!" She cheered. "Only a few more to go. Lucky for you the boys are not to term and you only have to dilate to eight or nine." What a relief!

"Can she get more pain medicine before the Pitocin hits?" My mama requested. She's been wonderful with keeping me drugged up. She's not afraid to ask the nurse or doctor for more.

"Of course, I'll be back in with it soon," the doctor said. "However Pitocin takes a few hours to do anything so we still have a long wait," she added and I sighed. This sucks! I just want to be normal again!

After about an hour I started to wonder when Cole would be back. I need him to massage my back again. Hannah is complaining and I just want to smack her. She's not the one in the middle of preparing to push two babies out of her vagina.

"Will you go find Cole?" I asked Hannah and wiped the sweat off of my forehead. I kicked the covers off of me and really wanted to do the same with the hospital night gown. I just want to lay here naked with cool air blowing on me.

"Anything to get me out of this job," she said and left to the cafeteria.

"I wonder if I have time to run home for a few minutes. I'm sure the house is falling apart without me," my mama spoke up. I sat up in the hospital bed and used the remote to raise the back. I hate these monitors! I don't want to be touched, unless somebody is massaging my back, and these monitors are strapped on me.

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