Ch- 52 Heartbroken

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One Month Later
I pressed call on Cole's contact in my phone and waited for an answer. He better answer. I have to go to work and he needs to watch the boys.

I finally got my job back and Cole found a small job filling propane tanks at our local gas station and stocking shelves. He doesn't make much money but what he does make usually gets spent at the bar.

He's retreated back to his old ways if not worse. He has an irregular sleep schedule, punches walls, gets angry easily, and is drinking excessively.

Cole never answered his phone so I loaded up the boys and took them to my moms house. I felt bad for pawning them off on her but I have to go to work.

When I arrived at work I was five minutes late and threw on my apron hastily. "Are you okay?" My coworker asked and I smiled at her, nodding my head.

"Why?" I asked, pulling my hair into a ponytail.

"You're pale and you have dark circles under your eyes hon," she tried to say as nice as possible. And if I wasn't wearing shoes and pants she would be able to see my swollen ankles and feet.

"I'm fine I promise. My boys are just wearing me out," I told her. My boys, including Cole. He is putting me through the wringer with how he's been acting.

"Good," she said as she busied herself with filling drinks. I tended to my tables just like usual and made it through my shift thankfully. At my last appointment the doctor told me I was pushing myself too hard and that I need to start taking periodic rests but that hasn't been happening.

When I picked the boys up from my moms at 8 at night Cole still wasn't answering his phone and it was really starting to irritate me.

I drove home and luckily the boys fell asleep in the car. I carried them into the house and turned on the light seeing Cole laying on the couch. I let out a tired sigh and put the boys to sleep in their cribs, giving them each a kiss on the forehead.

Despite how tired I was I went into the living room and woke up Cole so he could go in the bedroom.

"Cole. Wake up. Come to bed," I told him and hovered over him.

"I'll be in there in a minute," he said groggily. He doesn't seem to be drunk so that is good.

"Hey why didn't you come home earlier?" I asked quietly. He's really hurting me and putting me through hell.

"I was at my friends," he lied to me again. And even if he is telling the truth why is this friend so much more important.

"Cole what's going on? I can't keep doing this on my own," I told him straight up and rubbed my belly. I kept this baby because I thought Cole would be there to help. I cannot do this on my own.

"Nothing. Everything's fine. In fact I wanted to have the date you've been talking about tomorrow evening," he grabbed my hand pulling me down onto his lap.

"Really?" I asked excitingly and he nodded. He held me in his arms making my doubts go away for a few seconds.

"Now let's get to bed," he yawned. I think I got a total of 2 hours of sporadic sleep that night. This baby girl just does not want me sleeping, much like her brothers.

In the morning I made Cole his coffee just to start the day off on good terms. The boys had oatmeal and they were both more interested in playing with it rather than eating it so I had a mess to clean up.

"The boys haven't got to spend much time with you lately. You should play with them today," I suggested to Cole and finished cleaning up the oatmeal residue.

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