Ch-41 What's More Important?

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"He does have a cold and it is a little more severe due to his age but it is very and I mean very common for infants to get these colds all the way up to their first year because they are building immunity," the doctor informed me and I felt a little bit better about the situation. Jax had a rough night and I was so worried that I scheduled a doctors appointment to check up on him.

"Is there anything I can do to help him? I feel really bad for him," I asked as I put Jaxon's onesie back on him and buttoned it.

"He is stuffed up so if you want to maybe sit in a bathroom with the hot shower on with him, that will help clear his nasal congestion and he will sleep and eat better. However he is too young for any medications," he told me and I absorbed the information. I scooped up Jaxon and held him close to me while wrapping a blanket around him to keep him warm. "Don't forget that if he gets a fever to call right away," he advised and I nodded.

"Thank you so much," I genuinely told him as I walked out of the little pediatrics room that has animal murals painted on the walls.

Well that makes me feel better about him being sick but I really hope he does not get a fever. I buckled both of the boys into the car and headed for home. I checked my phone for a text or call from Cole to find nothing in reply to my several messages and calls starting at 6:30 this morning in regards to Jax's doctor visit.

I really do not feel like going to Carly's to meet Cole's family but I know she is excited and that family from hours away are visiting.

I honestly don't even know if I am too tired to be driving right now. I think the only thing keeping me alert is the worrying due to hearing Jaxon's little murmurs.

When I got home I texted Jessie to come outside and help me carry the boys car seats in because I am too exhausted to even carry myself in the house.

"Want me to watch them while you take a nap? I don't have work for another two hours," he suggested and I contemplated it. "Plus I'm trying to teach them how to say uncle Jessie before they say anyone else's name," he said almost seriously and I laughed slightly.

"Good luck on that. You can keep Josiah but Jax is sick and I need to keep him with me," I told him and carried one of my boys up the stairs. I want to take a nap before I bring the boys over to Carly's but in order to get any sleep I need to get Jaxon to sleep. So I decided on trying the shower remedy which turned the bathroom into a sauna-like enclosure.

After awhile of almost falling asleep with my son in my arms, I turned the shower off and went back into my room where it wasn't so hot. I noticed he was breathing better which was a great relief for me because I was most worried about him not being able to breathe.

"Are you ready to eat?" I asked my boy and made a silly face at him. He stiffly reached his arm up and tightly grasped my hair. "Ow, ow. Let go baby," I urged as I tried to pry his little fingers off my hair. "Ow!" I hollered when he pulled his hand hard yanking out a few strands of my hair. The joys of having the combination of long hair and babies. I don't plan on becoming bald anytime soon(or ever) but with the boys around it looks like I might be heading in that direction much faster than ever planned.

"Time to eat," I ushered and he finally got a decent amount of eating in. I was really getting worried. After he ate like normal, I put him down in his bassinet for a nap which he happily accepted since he could finally breathe normal.

My phone started to ring and I glanced over at its screen. "Hello," I answered to Cole who just now decided to call me back after many hours of trying to get ahold of him.

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