Ch-58 Delivery

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My phone started to ring and I glanced at the screen, seeing Cole is returning the call. "Hey what's up?" He asked immediately.

"I'm having major contractions. I need to go to the hospital," I told him and let out an irritated groan when the next contraction struck, gripping the arm of the recliner.

"I'm at work. I don't know if my boss will let me go," he told me. I started to cry, feeling way overwhelmed and in pain. I know that I'm in labor. Labor pain is very distinctive.

"Cole I know something's wrong. You need to tell your boss you have to go," I said firmly but continued to cry.

"I'll call my mom and have her come get you," he told me and I nodded, even though he couldn't see me.

"What about the boys?" I questioned through bits of pain.

"They can stay with Fred," he suggested and I agreed. We got off the phone with each other and he called his mom to come get me. It felt like she took an hour.

By the time we arrived at the hospital, after bringing the boys to Carly and Fred's house, the pain intensified by 1000. The nurses wheeled out a wheelchair and helped me into it. I let out a scream when the next contraction struck and my whole stomach tightened like it is being squeezed by a vice. I couldn't stop from crying. This hurts so freakin bad! I really want my mom or Cole, not that Carly isn't nice or helpful.

Carly helped check me in and they were immediately wheeling me down the hallway. It wasn't long before they had me in a bed to check my cervix. "Wow," I heard the nurse say and it alarmed me. I'm worried about Gracelynn because her due date isn't for another month.

"What? Why did you say wow?" I asked frantically while gripping the side rail on the bed.

"How far along did you say you are?" She asked while removing her gloves, tossing them into trash bin, and putting on a new pair.

"36 weeks and 1 day," I replied while biting my lip to suppress a yell. I remember labor hurting but this hurts more than I remembered.

"Your baby girl will be here shortly. You're 7 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced. You're almost ready to have a baby," she told me with little enthusiasm and my face went pale. I knew I was in labor but I thought they would stop it like the last time and I'd get to go home. I am not ready for Gigi. The house is completely packed up and we are supposed to move into the apartment tomorrow. How am I supposed to take her home to nothing?

"I'll call Cole," Carly informed me and I nodded as she walked out of the room. I wonder how Cole is going to react to our daughter being born soon.

"We are going to move you into a laboring room and your OB will come talk to you," she wheeled my bed down a long hallway that I remember from the first time I gave birth and from when I came here not too long ago when I went into preterm labor. I could hear the other expecting mothers yelling and it made me nervous all over again. I don't know why I'm so scared since I've done it before. I know I won't die even though it feels like it. In the end, holding Gracelynn in my arms and kissing her tiny lips will make the pain that this whole pregnancy has caused me, be worth it.

Carly came walking into the room they placed me in a few minutes after I was situated and hooked up to the monitors. "Cole said he can leave work in about an hour and it takes an hour to get here so hold that baby girl in for at least two more hours," she smiled and set her phone down on the bedside table. If it's anything like the twin's births then that shouldn't be a problem.

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