Ch-64 New Beginnings

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One Week Later
I wrapped Josiah in a towel and lifted him out of the tub before doing the same to Jaxon. "Go to daddy," I told them and they ran out of the bathroom, losing their towels on the way. I laughed as I picked up the wet towels and followed them.

"If you want, you can put them in the outfits your mom just bought them," I said to Cole and walked into the kitchen to clean up the mess from lunch. Cole is leaving today to go back to Texas but I have to work so the boys are going to ride with Carly to the airport and Gigi is going to stay with my mom. I poured milk into their sippies and warmed it in the microwave for nap time.

"Okay. I'm going to put them to sleep in their diapers and dress them later," he told me. All I did was nod although he couldn't see me.

When Cole was ushering them into their bedroom I handed off their sippy cups. Then I went to check on Gracelynn who is in her swing in my bedroom. As soon as she saw me she started to cry because she wanted me to pick her up. I tried to sneak away but she started crying more so I picked her up and brought her into the living room for tummy time.

"I'm gonna miss my daddy's girl," Cole crouched down and started to play with her. All of our children absolutely adore their father and smile and laugh anytime they are around him. I wish he were around permanently because during the time he has been here I haven't felt like a single parent, well for the most part.

"Hey," Luke entered my apartment with flowers in hand. I smiled at him as he set them on the counter. We are at a weird stage right now. We are still together and I don't see us breaking up, he just needs time to get over what I did. "I just wanted to see your face before my long day," he gave me a quick kiss and looked over to see Cole playing with Gigi.

"You're so sweet baby. You're amazing," I smiled at him, giving him another kiss before I put water in the vase.

"Did he stay the night?" Luke asked nonchalantly, even though I know he is asking because he is bothered. I shook my head no. Cole and I haven't stayed the night in the same house for awhile and I intend for it to stay that way. "Alright Jess, I have to go. Good luck at work today," he kissed my cheek and left just as quickly as he came. I hope he knows how much I love him. I hate that I broke his trust. He had so much faith in me that he never cared if Cole was around and never complained. Now I can feel the tension and I know he doesn't like it.

"It's about time for you to go Cole. You don't want to miss your plane. I need to start getting ready for work," I told him and let down my hair from the top knot it was in. It reached my hips as I ran my fingers through it.

"I want the babies to come to Texas."

"I don't have money or time for a trip like that, it's not practical," I shrugged the idea off as ridiculous for their age.

"I think I'm going to pursue half custody," he bounced Jaxon on his knee while breaking the news.

"Why? I don't keep them from you," I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in fear and confusion.

"I think it's important they see me just as much as they see you," he stated. "I want them with me in Texas. They'll have their own rooms and meet some of my family," he continued on. I stared at my babies and my heart began to hurt at the thought of them being in a separate state.

"They need me. I do everything for them. They are everything to me, my whole world," I tried explaining to him without getting too upset at the idea. They are all of my accomplishments wrapped into three bundles. I don't have anything else. I am their mother and that is all. I have devoted the last few years of my life to motherhood and taking that away from me would make me feel empty.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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