Ch-14 Apologies

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You can pick up all the pieces but you can't make them fit.

I pulled over at a little roadside diner that was missing a few of the letters to the sign. The neon light that read 'open' was burned out but they had a sign hanging on the door that said open. Before getting out I texted Brandon back. He had texted me earlier and we were having a friendly conversation but I felt a little small talked.

The last text he sent me however made me feel uncomfortable unlike previous texts that he had sent asking me how I was doing and such. He wrote, "Did I meet the guy that is the father of your babies while I was down there? Would I know who he is?"

I was hoping he wouldn't bring up my being pregnant and he would just talk to me. That's all I want from somebody, a conversation where they don't bring up my pregnancy even once, they wouldn't treat me different and they would act like things were normal again. Just once, is that to much to ask?

"Are we going in or what?" I looked up from my phone remembering that Paisley was with me.

"Wha- oh, yeah." I quickly typed back a quick "No you wouldn't." I pulled my t-shirt down, hating how tight it is around my stomach considering this used to be a comfy and baggy shirt. "Alright. Try and not spend much in here Pais, I'm running low on money." I felt worried thinking about how am I going to have any money left by my gender reveal appointment in two weeks.

"I'm not that hungry, I can wait until we get to Hannah's." She stopped and waited for me to agree.

"Paisley Anne you were just telling me how hungry you were so I know you're hungry but thank you anyway sweetie. I know you're just trying to save me the extra money." I walked towards the door. She shrugged and followed me. I reached for the handle and looked back at Pais, "Plus your nieces or nephews want some food." We both laughed and entered the old but very cute diner. It had a wagon wheel chandelier and cow print booths.

"Nieces." Paisley said before sitting down at a corner booth and pulling out her phone.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom." I suddenly felt the urge to pee and hurried to the restroom to relieve myself. When I got back a tall well built young man wearing a waist apron was talking to Paisley and she had a wide grin on her face. I usually wouldn't condone her flirting while she has a boyfriend but I hate her boyfriend and would love for her to be with somebody better. She deserves so much more.

Instead of going over to the booth and interrupting, I went and sat on a barstool up front. "Hello Ma'am." The middle aged waitress greeted me.

"Morning" I smiled kindly at her and flipped open a menu. "Do you guys have milk shakes?" I craved a vanilla milkshake with extra whipped cream, a pickle and some fries.

"Pregnancy craving?" She chuckled and wiped down the counter top beside me.

"Oh yes." I laughed and rested my phone on my stomach seeing if it would balance.

"Well you're in luck sweetheart. Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla?" She asked with great hospitality. I fumbled with my belly button through my shirt that is starting to bulge out a bit.

"Vanilla... With extra whipped cream and fries. Do you guys by any chance have whole pickles?" I was serious when I asked but of course it made her laugh. I heard a deep laugh come from beside me and I looked over to see a handsome looking stranger that about made me jump out of my skin at his sudden appearance. I could only see his side profile since he was viewing a menu. I quickly looked away after realizing I was staring.

"Hey Kelly. I think I'll have the usual omelet and coffee." He told the waitress and turned to see me staring again and winked before smiling widely. "Hi I'm Lucas." He spoke in a thick southern drawl that made me want to melt.

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