Ch-44- One Month Later

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1 month later

"Grab the diapers," I told Cole and picked up Jaxon, setting him in his car seat which made him cry. Then I put Josiah in his making him angry as well.

"I can't find them," Cole yelled from the other room while I buckled the boys in. They both hate being in their car seats unless the car is moving.

"They're by your bed," I told him and grabbed my purse and phone, checking the time. We have 45 minutes to get to an appointment that is almost an hour away. "Get in the car," I hollered and carried the car seats to the truck as Whitney pulled in the driveway. She hates that I'm at Cole's a lot now.

"Hey babe," Cole came walking out and kissed Whitney.

"Where are you guys going?" She asked and he pointed to the boys.

"They have doctor appointments in Dakota," he answered.

"Did you grab the diaper bag and the diapers?" I asked frantically.

"No I couldn't find them," he answered. He is so helpless I swear.

"I told you where they were," I rolled my eyes and hurried in the house going right to the place I said they would be and guess what. They were there. Sometimes he is so frustrating.

"Let's go," I demanded and got in the truck. Cole said bye to Whitney and she didn't look too thrilled by such a short visit. He started to back out of the driveway and I stopped him. "Wait," he slammed on the brakes and looked at me.

"What now?" He asked and I jumped out.

"I forgot the bottles," I ran in the house, grabbing them out of the fridge. When I got back in the car the boys were screaming so I gave them their pacifiers. The rest of the car ride was smooth and luckily the motion put them to sleep because they were avoiding nap time and getting really cranky.

After the appointment we stopped at a gas station. "I only have a few dollars on me," Cole said and I grabbed my purse. I pulled out a couple dollars.

"That's literally all I have. I hope they hire me," I handed him the money stressfully. Cole got laid off at the shop and I've applied at several places over the last week. I've started using cloth diapers to save money and I'm still breast feeding even though I really hate it but we do not have enough money to buy formula for two babies.

Cole has enough money to pay his bills this month but barely any gas money or food money. My moms been making casseroles and stews to help us but I really feel horrible when we need her help. We are pretty stressed out about our financial situation.

On our way home my phone started to ring and I hurriedly answered it so the ringing wouldn't wake the boys. The only sanity I have is when they are sleeping.

"Hey Luke," I spoke into the phone and picked at my nails.

"Hey Jessa. I'm going to be in town to get some hay from your family for my grandpa's farm again if you want to grab a bite to eat at the diner or go for a walk," he said and I immediately lit up inside. I really like Luke. Our first date was so great and he was totally cool with the boys.

"That sounds great. I'm staying somewhere else for now so how about you pick me up from there. I'll text you the address," I told him and leaned against the door panel looking at the road.

"Alright. See you tomorrow," he said kindly and hung up the call.

"Was that the dweeb Luke?" Cole asked, mocking Luke.

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