Ch- 24 Thanksgiving Therapy

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It's two days before thanksgiving and my mom is running around like a chicken without a head. My aunt will be arriving soon with my cousins and tomorrow everybody else arrives. We have a large family so the house is always packed around this time of the year.

"How does this look?" My mama asked as she finished hanging the twins sonogram photo. She framed it in a white frame that is hung by a blue bow.

"It looks great," I complimented as I neared the picture, studying it. "Look at my cute little baby boys. They are going to be the cutest babies ever," I cooed as I rubbed my stomach. I dressed up relatively cute today just because I felt like it.

"I'm going to have handsome grandsons," she gave my belly a quick rub. "Do you mind going to the store for me?" She asked holding up a small list.

"No I don't. I'll just go before Auntie Bev gets here," I told her, grabbing the list from her hand and looking it over.

"There's money in the console. You might need to get gas also. I think the tanks low," she warned me and I grabbed the keys and my purse off the table by the front door. "Thanks sweetie," she told me and said bye.

I browsed through the grocery store aisles getting everything my mom requested. I pushed the shopping cart as I plucked things off the shelf. "Jess," I heard Emily's familiar voice call my name. I turned around to see her nearing me. "I just wanted to apologize for the other day. I hope you didn't think I was stepping on anyone's toes or anything," she apologized shyly as she looked at her feet nervously.

"Well in some aspects you did," I replied as I continued to wheel the cart. She rushed behind me.

"Please don't think of me badly. I left after the way I heard him talk to you," she admitted and I have to say I am definitely surprised.

"Did you?" I asked as I scanned the cereals, choosing one that sounded most appetizing.

"I'll see you around," she said disappointed. I feel bad but I can't interfere myself in anymore drama.

"Okay," I waved as she walked off. I appreciate her letting Cole know the way he talked to me wasn't acceptable but it's just easier to keep my friend group small.

I finished shopping and paid for everything. I loaded the groceries in the trunk before driving to the gas station where I pulled up to a pump. I got out out of the car noticing Cole pumping gas also. I should just pump my gas and leave. I don't even know if he noticed me.

I placed the nozzle in the car and grabbed my purse. I walked over to his pump as he noticed me. As soon as he looked at me I noticed his tired eyes and lifeless expression. "Here's a few sonogram photos," I told him as I pulled the pictures out of my purse, handing them to him. He grabbed the photos but didn't look at them. Instead he gave me a questioning look, I looked down at his hands as he pumped gas noticing his bruised knuckles. "They both have your nose," I told him before walking back to my car. I needed to do that, not for him but for myself. I needed to know that I have done everything to try and include him.

He examined the photos briefly before finishing pumping his gas. Before he left he glanced over at me and our eyes met. It was a quick glance. Then he left without a single word. Maybe that's a good thing. I just keep hoping that he'll apologize and change, but I'm stupid to even consider that.

When I arrived at home I had already pushed earlier out of my thoughts. Today's going to be a good day, I don't need Cole's negativity bringing me down.

I set the groceries down in the kitchen and grabbed a water, chugging it down. I glanced out the kitchen window to see my auntie and uncle pulling in the driveway. "Mom they're here!" I hollered. My mama came running down the stairs while trying to put earrings in.

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