Ch-62 Something New Something Old

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Jessalynn's P.O.V.

One month later

"Be careful Bonnie, she's just a little baby," Luke told his five year-old daughter while she hovered over Gracelynn curiously. She laid down beside Gigi on her blanket and rubbed her back gently. Bonnie is so intrigued with Gracelynn every time they are around each other.

I smiled at the two and then I went into the kitchen to finish making lunch. Being a mom of three has definitely kicked my butt but Luke has been around a lot and is a big help. My phone rang and I stepped onto the small apartment porch so I could hear.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hi this is Sara, your boss," she clarified. "I just wanted to remind you that you're coming back in next Monday and you are scheduled for the morning shift," she notified me.

"Ok. Thank you so much. Have a good day," I told her and hung up the phone after a short conversation. I walked back into the apartment and picked up Jax when he ran to me.

"Who was that?" Luke asked and I told him it was my boss.

"I'm going back to work soon. I just need to figure out what I'm gonna do with the kids," I worried.  I have never been away from Gracelynn so it's going to be hard for me. She is so much more littler than the boys were when I started working.

My phone rang again and I checked the screen, seeing Cole's contact. Things have been so distant between the two of us but we still are cordial for the sake of our children.

"Hey Cole," I answered the call. "Can you call back in like an hour? The boys are going down for their nap and are a little cranky," I explained as Jax snuggled to my shoulder tiredly.

"Yeah that's fine. What's that noise?" He asked and I looked over at Josiah and Bonnie playing blocks and dumping the bag over the entire living room before Luke saw them and scolded Bonnie for making such a mess.

"Luke and Bonnie are over," I told him and he went silent.

"Okay I'll call later," he said before hanging up the phone. I set my phone on the counter and brought both boys into their room for a nap.

When I came out Bonnie was watching cartoons on the couch next to Luke so I went into the kitchen to grab a snack. Luke followed me in there and put his hands around my waist, pulling me into him gently. "Are you done with Cole?" He asked me and I looked up at him, confused.

"I have to stay in touch-" I started to explain.

"No I'm asking if you're done wanting him," he clarified and I nodded at Luke.

"I only want you," I told him and leaned into him. Luke makes me feel young, even though I know I am, being around him reminds me that I am young and still have so much to experience. I know he cares about me, I know he is good with my babies, I know he is hardworking, I know he is reliable.

"Let's make this officially official," he suggested with a forehead kiss. A smile spread across my face and I nodded once more.

"I would love to," I stood on my tippy toes and placed a kiss on his lips.

"You know you are one of the most remarkable people I've ever met," he stared into my eyes and my heart melted. I can't even tell you how good it feels to be appreciated.

"I feel the same way about you," I told him before he pulled me in for a lengthy kiss. So Luke's my boyfriend. How did I get so lucky?

"Dad!" Bonnie yelled and snapped both of us back into reality. Luke laughed and looked over his shoulder at her.

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