Ch- 29 Over it

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"Stand right there, in front of that pine tree," Hannah ordered me as I pulled my cardigan closer to my body. She took me to the snow for a maternity photo shoot and it's freakin cold!

"I could kill you for making me wear this in the snow!" I said. "This dress is not warm at all," I griped on and on.

"Just look happy," she growled and I rolled my eyes while shivering. "We are going to eat after this and you can get coffee to warm up," she told me and I death glared her. "What?" She asked.

"No I can't have coffee," I snapped and struggled to walk in the deep snow. "My feet are wet," I whined.

"Well I'm not the one who went and got pregnant by Cole Peters now am I?" She mocked me as I held my stomach. "Twice!" She added.

"Oh shut up," I snapped and fell in the snow landing on my butt. She immediately burst out into laughter as I tried to stand up on my own but it was no use. I'm not going anywhere with out a little bit of help. "You're so dead. Help me up," I reached out my hand and she cautiously neared me with a humored smile on her face.

She reached out and I pulled her down into the snow and threw a huge clump of the cold, icy snow at her face. She returned the favor, nailing me with a tightly packed snowball right in the boob. "Ow!" I yelled and covered my boobs. Again she burst into laughter at my anger.

She stood up and walked away, "You know I think I'll leave you in the snow," she teased but I wasn't in that kind of mood at the moment. This is serious stuff, I literally can't get up without help.

"No please help," I tried the begging attempt because at this point I just want out of the snow. My butt is soaked and cold.

"Promise you won't pull me back down?" She asked as she neared me again. I nodded yes as she helped me up and I held onto her while walking to make sure I didn't fall again.

"Please tell me you got enough photos," I sighed and rubbed my stomach subconsciously.

"Yes I think I got plenty," she said and unlocked her car once we got to the road.

"Praise the lord! Hallelujah!" I said in relief and climbed in the car which was disappointedly just as cold as the outside.

"You know you are the worst model ever," she snickered and I turned on the heater.

"Do I look like I care? This whole picture thing was your idea," I shrugged.

We ended up driving down the road to a little cafe where Hann could get her coffee and I could sit there hating her for it. We sat in a booth by the window and ordered soups. The snow is gorgeous looking from the inside out when you're all warm and toasty.

"Alright now give me the juicy details. What's been going on mama?" Hannah asked and I shrugged.

"There's not really much to tell that you don't know," I held my hot cocoa in between my hands to stay warm.

"And you're doing fine?" She questioned further while I took a sip of my drink.

"Yeah, the nursery is set up and I have everything I need. Now I just have to wait for the boys to make their entrance into the world," I explained, lacking enthusiasm. The truth is, I've cried myself to sleep for the last week worrying endlessly at how this is all going to work out. I'm in way over my head but there is no turning back, obviously.

"Now cut the crap, tell me how you're really doing," she said and I shrugged not really sure of what to say.

"I don't know what you want me to say. I'm not really all that great," I smiled trying to show her that I'll get over it.

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