Ch-45 Co-Parenting

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After Hannah left, I busied myself with cleaning and playing with the boys who were surprisingly not as energetic as usual. I think they are getting sick because the night was horrible. They woke up screaming several times and poor Jaxon was freezing but kept kicking his blanket off in a fit.

I heard a car pull in the driveway and I looked out of the window while doing dishes. Cole's truck rolled in and then shut off.

He walked inside nonchalantly and went over to the boys cribs. "Please don't wake them," I stopped him from going too close. "They're sick and they will not go to bed for hours if you wake them up," I turned off the sink and wiped my hands on a dish towel. "I thought you were going to Texas," I brought up.

"I thought you wanted me to stay," he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer out of the fridge.

"I did," I mumbled and looked over at Josiah seeing him rustle in bed. Please don't wake up. "So are you actually staying or do you have to wait a day for a flight or something?"

"I'm not going to Texas," he clarified and took a huge swig of the beer. He plopped down on the couch and put his feet up. What has my life become? Cole is like my forty year-old husband.

"What changed your mind?" I asked simply and grabbed a yogurt out of the fridge since I haven't ate anything today.

"The boys," he mumbled like he didn't really want to admit it.

"Well I'm glad," I nodded and sat on the couch as well. I felt like it was too soon to talk about Whitney so I didn't bring it up. "I heard the lumberyard is hiring. You should go see what that's about," I suggested as he took another drink and held up his beer.

"I can't drive I've been drinking," he said and I rolled my eyes. I will not be the only income in this house if all he is going to do is sit on his lazy butt.

I walked over to the cribs to check the boys' breathing and then went into my room. I'm really nervous about leaving Cole alone to care for the boys when I start work. He has to step up.

I spent time in my bedroom budgeting for the next week to make sure we can make the next rent before my paycheck comes in.

My door pushed open and Cole came walking in. "I'm sorry I'm being such an asshole. I'm just stressed out," he apologized as he took a seat at the foot of my bed.

"I'm stressed too Cole," I shrugged and finished writing down a few numbers.

"I've used a condom every time faithfully since I got you pregnant to avoid this. I don't know how she's pregnant," he sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Well condoms do break," I mentioned and put my feet up on the bed.

"God don't remind me," he said dreadfully and shook his head.

"Maybe you shouldn't have sex so much. I don't know what to tell you," I spoke while trying to add numbers in my head.

"Its not like I'm a nympho. Besides you only had sex one time and boom we became parents," he yawned in between words.

"Weren't we lucky?" I laughed and set the notebook down.

"The luckiest. How was your date with that douche?" He asked trying to keep the conversation going. I rolled my eyes after I realized who he was talking about.

"Luke is actually nice and sweet. You should take notes from him," I teased and pulled a small blanket over my legs.

"I'm not taking notes from a guy who's probably still a virgin," he picked on Luke.

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