Ch-57 It's Almost Time

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Remember those full nights of sleep I was getting? Yeah, it was only two nights and now it's been a week since I've got more than three hours of sleep at night. I still have a month to bake Gigi and she is not being appreciative that I am creating her. Instead she punches and kicks me. What a rude way to show gratitude! Not to mention I still throw up and get nauseous. What pregnant woman still throws up in their third trimester?

The boys have been normal for the past week but normal toddlers are still toddlers and are a lot of work so I am extremely exhausted being pregnant and chasing around Jax and Siah.

Cole and I are meeting at the park to play with the boys and so afterwards I can run errands, finish packing up the house, and hopefully get some rest. We are moving into the apartment tomorrow morning with the help of my brothers and dad. Cole asked if I needed help but I don't think he actually wanted to help and frankly I didn't want him around my family so I told him no.

Josiah is walking now and Jax is pulling himself up on everything. He has tried to pull himself up on the trash can a few times and pulled all of the garbage all over himself. So I had to move the trash can into the bathroom and shut the door. With both of the boys almost walking I am having a really hard time chasing them around. I feel bad but sometimes I have to confine them to their playpen or cribs just to get a break. I'm starting to get out of breath more easily, I get light headed as a result, and it is just a bad situation altogether.

Cole will sometimes take the boys if I ask him which helps but he isn't there for ninety-five percent of the day. He is going to take them again tomorrow though so I can get everything situated in the new apartment. The move is stressful but I think that when I'm settled I'll be happier. The boys won't get as much yard time but I can take them to the park or on a walk to compensate.

In the afternoon I loaded the boys into the car and headed for the park. Cole was there waiting inside of his truck and I pulled up beside him in my car. I thought he would get out and help me switch the car seats over but I don't think he noticed us. His radio is pretty loud. I stepped out of my car and walked up to the door. I opened it and he jumped a bit.

"The boys are waiting to see you," I told him and he nodded without much interest or enthusiasm. "Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded the same way again, staring at his steering wheel intently. I really do care, otherwise I may not have asked. I don't want him to be in a mood around the boys or lose his temper. Not that I think he would hurt the boys intentionally.

I stepped away from the truck and started to unbuckle Jax. He climbed out and switched the car seats to his truck. I felt a little off standish about leaving the twins with Cole today but i need a break.

"Okay so here is the diaper bag. They just ate. I'll be back to get them in a few hours. Text me where you want me to meet you," I informed him while rubbing my slightly contracting baby bump. He nodded and looked at the ground. I smiled at how cute it looked to see my boys holding hands with their dad now that they can walk, Jaxon can with assistance. My eyes trailed to where their hands met and I immediately became alarmed at how bad Cole's hands were this time.

"Cole, look at me," I told him, not to be bossy but to look into his eyes and see his face. That's the best way to know how he is because he doesn't tell you. "If this isn't a good time I can manage without having a break," I selflessly gave up my only chance of relaxation.

"It is a good time. Trust me," he looked at the boys and side smiled. It takes a lot for him to full on smile.

"Okay," I nodded. "Let's bandage your hand though," I practically ordered because it needs bandaged now.

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