Ch-23 Reassurance

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It's been a week since the fight with Cole and honestly it's easier than I imagined. I'm not trying to sound heartless but it's really no different than when he was deployed. The only difference is that I know he's just down the road and really is making no effort to act like he cares so why should I?

My parents are suspicious as to why Cole is in town but not visiting or supporting me. I haven't really told them what he said because I don't want to hear how they were right about him. And Carly has called once to ask why I haven't been over so I told her I've been busy instead of the truth.

"We haven't seen Cole since he's been back to town. When are you going to bring him around?" My mom mentioned as she poured herself a cup of coffee. I paid deeper attention to my phone hoping that she'd think I didn't hear her. I noticed her look at me and pause. "Jess I know you hear me," she stated and I looked up from my phone.

"He doesn't want to come around here mom," I quickly answered. She sipped on her coffee and nodded her head.

"That's sad to hear," she briefly said. "Why is that?" She sat down beside me and gave me a 'I'm not leaving until you tell me' kind of look. She knows me all too well to know I'm not telling her the full truth.

"Our personalities clash and its best that we stay away from each other for now," I simply told her as I ate a piece of toast.

"What'd he say?" She pried and I sighed. I might as well just tell her but what if this all blows over and she views him differently because I told her about this.

"He was just saying rude things and told me he didn't want the babies," I stated clearly as I nibbled on my toast.

"And what'd you say?" She asked with attitude. I could tell she was fed up with Cole's actions but frankly, I am too.

"I told him that I had no reason to be there if that's how he felt and then I left," My voice cracked. My two little boys aren't even going to have a father. It's not hard to avoid him now but what do I do someday when my babies ask about their daddy?

"I may not like him but my grandchildren will have a father," she stated determinedly. "He's not going to get out of it this easy, not if you don't have a choice," she protested as she took another gulp of her coffee.

"I don't want to talk to him," I begged hoping she wouldn't make me. It's not like she really can but she can sure try. "He wasn't nice the last time I talked to him," I told her. I knew he didn't care about me but I thought he cared about the boys and that's why I made such an effort for him to be apart of this.

"I have an idea but it requires you to see him," she warned me and I nodded for her to continue. I don't want to be around him but I might just have to for the boys' sake. "When is your next doctor's appointment?" She asked. I think I know where this is going.

"Tomorrow afternoon," I mumbled. I get a 3-d sonogram and my amniotic fluid tested by sticking a long needle in my belly button. Yay me! Not.

"Jessalynn, take him with you and let him see the boys on the monitor and hear their heartbeats," she explained the idea and if Cole was normal it might work but he's heartless he won't care one way or the other.

"Maybe," I said and finished my last bite of toast. My phone began to ring and I glanced at it, reading Carly. I contemplated answering it but finally I picked it up and answered.
Third Person
Cole hadn't shown any signs of regret from what he said. In fact he's getting along just fine without the stress of Jessalynn and the babies on his shoulders. He feels guilty but he knows Jess and the babies are better off without him. Plus he loves the life of a single bachelor.

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