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"We are going to have Thanksgiving here again." My mom notified me as I walked into the living room where she was watching a cooking show.

"Sounds good." I said as I sat down on the couch resting my feet before I walk up the stairs. They are swollen and I can't fit them in my shoes.

"They don't know that you're pregnant Jess. I didn't know if it was something you wanted to tell them so I said nothing about it." She paused her cooking show and turned to me. I rested my hand on the top of my belly.

"You can tell them. They're going to be so surprised." I laughed and decided to try and walk up the stairs now so I can shower. I climbed the stairs slowly, grasping onto the railing tightly. All this weight makes me feel like I'm going to fall backwards and forwards, my body can't decide. When I reached the top of the stairs I had to take a break to catch my breath.

I stepped in the shower, letting the warm water hit my body and allowed my thoughts to start up. Cole is an idiot and I have to spend my life dealing with him. The thing I left out when talking to him the other day is that if or since I decided to keep the twins I want Cole, the boys and I to try and be a family. I want to raise my boys with a mom and a dad not one or the other.

I can't bring myself to think that he is ever going to stick around. He thinks it's cool now but once they cry he's going to get frustrated and leave. I can't take the stress of this on my own but even when he is there I still feel like I am. It's easy for him to say these things because he doesn't know what caring for a baby or two is like. Me however, knows exactly what to expect since I have nine other siblings and I helped raise half of them.

He's always on my mind for various reasons and I hate him for it. If I could have a thought without him being in it, that would be a miracle.

I washed my hair and body before stepping out of the shower, grabbing a towel and drying off. I poked at my stomach realizing that the boys haven't really moved today. I'm sure their fine.

Just as I was examining my stomach and poking at it I felt like I was poking a rock. My stomach tightened and I scrunched my face up in discomfort. After what seemed like forever but in reality was only about forty five seconds, my stomach returned to its normal 'squishiness' and the pains subsided luckily. I breathed out at the unexpected contraction.

I continued to get dressed and hoped I wouldn't get another one because they are uncomfortable. If I think that's bad I'm going to freak during labor. I pulled on a pair of yoga pants because they are stretchy and actually fit over my wide hips unlike any pair of jeans I currently own. I put on a big t shirt I stole from Jessie and sadly it fits me snugly around my enlarged stomach.

I left the bathroom while drying my hair with a towel. I had realized how hungry I was after my tummy growled so I started for downstairs. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I looked out the front window and saw my brother Austin's car in the driveway. A smile grew on my face and I waddled out onto the porch while my brother and his girlfriend, Stacy, walked towards the house.

"Well well look who decided to show up," I teased as I took a seat on the porch swing waiting for them to reach the house.

"Yeah I thought it was about time I came home to visit," he grinned over at Stacy and I couldn't help but think what a perfect couple they are. They stepped on to the porch and both of them had shocked faces.

"Aw look at you Jessalynn," Stacy cooed over my baby bump. I smiled and rubbed it showing it off proudly. I do have to say that I've grown quite accustomed to the fact that I'm creating two lives. I could do without the fact that I look like an elephant though. "How are you feeling?" She asked me.

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