Ch- 34 Hospital Stay

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My boys have barely been put down since birth. We've all been taking turns holding them but of course I get the most time because I made them and birthed them. They are so mesmerizing. I could spend all day staring at them and showering them with delicate kisses.

Josiah and Jaxon are now 6 hours old. Cole is holding Jaxon and I'm holding Josiah. Hannah had to leave in order to make it to her college courses since she already skipped yesterday. I thanked her over and over again for being such a good friend and told her how much I appreciated her being here with me.

My mama went home an hour ago and said she'd be back with homemade dinner later so I don't have to eat a hospital meal. Although I'm kind of scared to eat. I already threw up a milkshake that Hannah bought me after I gave birth.

"Is Jaxon awake?" I quietly asked Cole so I wouldn't wake sleeping Josiah in my arms. I watched Jax wiggle in Cole's arms and he kind of freaked out.

"Yeah," he replied as the little boy lying in his arms opened his big blue eyes. I set Josiah in the plastic crib beside my bed and made sure the hospital blanket was tucked around him.

I slowly got out of bed to use the bathroom. Walking is sort of painful and everything hurts but I have to start somewhere. "I'm going to feed him when I'm done using the bathroom," I told Cole and did my business.

When I came out Jaxon was screaming while Cole tried to shush him and rock him back and forth. I immediately hoped Jax wouldn't wake up his brother. I gently took the baby boy into my arms and his cries softened. "That's not fair," Cole complained with tired eyes.

"Him knows his mamas. Isn't that right my little boy?" I spoke to my infant son in baby talk. He stared up at me and wrinkled his forehead and pushed his tongue out of his mouth making me laugh. "I think I should have some sort of superpowers, I did create two humans from a single cell," I joked in a low tone so I didn't startle either of them.

"We all know I did most of the work that day," he bragged and I rolled my eyes at him. I noticed that his voice didn't hold quite the amount of humor that is status quo for him. Instead he sounded kind of bland.

"I didn't know what I was doing," I murmured while breastfeeding Jaxon before Josiah woke up to eat.

"Luckily I did otherwise the boys wouldn't be here," he turned the corners of his lips up into a quick smile. I would have thrown something at him but the only thing in my arms was my precious baby boy and I'm obviously not throwing him.

"You're so weird," I snickered quietly. Josiah started to shuffle in the crib. He pulled his legs in and kicked them out as he let out a piercing cry. "Will you give him to me so I can feed him?" I asked Cole and he stood up, walking over to Josiah's side.

Cole handed him to me and positioned him so Josiah could eat as well as his brother. I covered my chest up with a small blanket even though Cole saw my breasts when he handed little Josiah to me.

"You did good Jess," he praised me as he scooted his chair closer to the bed and played with Jaxon's feet that stuck out from beneath the blanket. "They are so much more than I could've imagined," he intently stared at the baby's feet and ran his thumb over the soft bottoms.

"They're perfect," I agreed with an undeniable smile.

"It's so crazy that they both fit inside of you," he marveled at the idea. "These are the little feet that we felt moving and the little elbows." I could read the amazement on his face. He swallowed hard and I noted the nervous way he tapped his foot.

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