Ch-15 Baby B

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I smiled at my growing tummy as I felt a little poke on the inside my stomach. I am 20 weeks pregnant today and it amazes me that I'm already half way through my pregnancy. Considering that I'm carrying twins, I'm over half way through actually. "This came in the mail for you." I looked up to find my mom entering my bedroom with an envelope. "It says it's from Cole." She tossed it in my lap and opened the blinds on my windows, "Let's get some light in here. It's nearly ten."

I stared at the letter in my lap, scared to open it. This is the letter I've been waiting for for close to a month and I'm dreading opening it. I have been very content with my life lately and this letter I feel is going to disrupt it again.

I felt my bed dip beside me as my mama took a seat, "Well, are you gonna open it or not? I ain't got all day." She looked hopeful at me.

"Um mama, I'd rather not have you read it. It's kind of personal." I started to open the letter, hoping that she'd leave.

She sighed, "Well alright." She said, shutting the door behind her.

I rubbed my belly as I unfolded the letter and began to read.

Dear Jessalynn,
I'm glad the babies are healthy and growing. I'm excited to meet my sons, well that's what I'm hoping they are anyway. Thanks for the pictures, I'm looking forward to more. I wouldn't mind if I had two little girls, although I'd hope they would get their looks from you.

I chuckled slightly and wondered if that was a sort of compliment. That'd be the first from him.

We're sure going to have our hands full with two babies.
Your baby daddy ;)

I literally laughed out loud and clutched my stomach. I can't believe he actually wrote that. I think he's proud he knocked me up.

After my fit of laughter I realized that I didn't really get an answer. Was the last line code for we are in this together because I sure in the hell hope so. I've been stressing for a month about what he would say and I didn't even get an answer.

I stared down at my bulging belly. It's a little hard to grasp that these babies are not only mine but Cole's as well. I have began to grow more of a bond with the growing babies inside me and life has been more cooperative lately which means that I have been much happier. It's been better on the babies that I haven't been stressing as much I'm sure.

I'm not saying the stress isn't there, but it's less apparent. I still worry about money along with caring for my surprises but it helps that my mother has grown more accustomed to the idea. However my dad seems to still be in denial and won't look at me. I can't say that doesn't hurt... a lot.

I found a tear rolling down my face but I quickly wiped it away and remembers all of the positive things. A smile grew on my face once more as I remembered that in less than 3 hours I will know the gender of my identical twins, both boys or both girls.

I threw my feet over the side of the bed and wobbled up. It's about time I get ready for the appointment. I gathered my outfit for this cool fall day. I decided on a cardigan with a white undershirt, tights and fall boots with boot socks. This is probably the cutest I've felt all my pregnancy, I mostly just feel like a bloated catfish. I laughed at my thought and smoothed the shirt over my bump while staring at my reflection.

I curled my hair and put it in a messy ponytail. Then I applied light, natural-looking make up. I did a few last things like brush my teeth before walking down stairs slowly while gripping the rail. My younger siblings ran down the stairs past me quickly and I reminisced the days I could do that.

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