2.23 ↣ The Only Exception

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[an: omg I've been gone and I'm trying to my absolute best to update everything right now so... Wait for me! :) thanks for the love guys!]

+ s e l e n a

I twirled myself around the mirror. I pulled on the light oversized sweater and slipped on some black leggings since the weatherman informed that it was sort of chilly tonight. I made sure that I was extra comfy and warm because we were about to be at the beach near the cold water.

"Do I look fine?" I asked behind me where Sammy was sat on my bed.

I had to beg Dylan to leave the room and get ready way ahead since I didn't want him to see me. A part of my plan was to make him think that I was true with my feelings that I wanted to be with him, but for feelings to come back like last time we were here, I made sure that sharing a room wasn't such a good idea.

Sammy stood next to me while we looked at the mirror. "Yes! Don't worry, even if you were wearing just a vomit green towel, Dylan would be head over heels in love with you."

I laughed at her because she needed to take that back. "How does that even make sense? If I wore a vomit green towel and he didn't like it, then he'd want to rip it off my body."

"TMI-- Gross! I don't want to hear what you guys do behind these closed doors." Sammy whined while I just shook my head.

"We do nothing! We sleep in two different beds." I pointed to my bed and Dylan's.

She looked down to her phone to reply to a text. "Okay since you and Dylan don't do anything, we should go to the bonfire right now."

I nodded picking a blue fluffy scarf at last to keep my face warm from the strong winds tonight.

Both of us walked down and I was feeling scared at the fact that Dylan was waiting for me downstairs. Even if we were grown up now, it still felt like our high school vacation when I became close to Dylan. Dylan was casually waiting for us sitting on the waiting lounge near the front desk.

"What took you guys so long?" Dylan asked getting up from his comfortable seat.

"Selena was trying to look good for you." Sammy commented while I had to face away from Dylan from the embarrassment that Sammy caused me.

I heard a chuckle come out from Dylan before he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry, you always look good."

"Thanks." I mumbled to myself while the three of us walked down to the beach.

The lights already sparkled the night and boardwalk leaving the view of the ocean as dark as closing my eyes. The moon looked beautiful reflecting on the ocean water which made me smile.

The bonfire was noticeable from miles away considering Taylor decided to make a contest on who could make the highest and biggest bonfire from the rest. As we got closer, I noticed that the biggest one out of all had to be ours, mostly Taylor's since she was competitive, and she had the advantage of getting the most twigs and wood from the rest of theirs.

We all sat in pairs, I had to sit next to Dylan because that's what the whole plan was about. Taylor was passing out snacks while Posey was halfway into singing a Blink-182 song. Dylan and I sat quietly just looking at everyone else.

"Hey, do you want to go somewhere else? Everyone seems to be forgetting to include us in what they're doing." Dylan commented before I just nodded a yes.

I knew that our friends were purposely doing this just so Dylan and I could have some alone time together. "I think we should."

Dylan walked ahead of me while I followed him from behind. He picked a spot just in the middle of the bonfire and the ocean. I hugged my legs instantly sitting down feeling a chill past through the waves. He sat cross legged right next to me.

"So... Tell me, is it nicer in New York? I've never been there." He commented causing me to laugh out loud.

"But why are you so in love with the New York Mets?" I asked confusingly since he loved the Mets from all the way to our middle school where all he wore were jerseys and shirts that had the Mets printed on it.

He chuckled. "They're the best, Selena! I'm telling you."

I rolled my eyes. "You should come visit me one day. I'd love tour you around the busiest place ever."

"You're going back to New York?" Dylan was taken aback for a second.

"I kind of have to... I live there." I stated the obvious to him.

Dylan fidgeted in his spot for a second while I waited him to respond to me.

Did I just ruin my chance? Would he ever consider being in a long distance relationship with me if we ever worked out again?

"I'll visit you." He sighed.

We sat in silence again and it was bothering me this time.

I want to tell Dylan to be with me again... To love me as much as I love him. I just want to tell him that I regret what I did.

In a distance, we could hear Taylor singing a familiar song by Paramore. It took me back to great memories.

"Hey, do you remember prom?" Dylan mentioned.

A smile appeared in my face. He was thinking of the same thing as me. "Yeah."

[prom day]

I had no date and I was alone not wanting to be fools with Sammy and Taylor. I didn't want to go to prom at all, but somehow someone convinced me.

I did dance to some of pop songs, but when it started to slow down to love songs, I frowned to myself not having anyone to dance with.

I played with the hem of my dress or looking around anywhere just to let time pass by until...

"You wanna dance?" Dylan held out his hand.

I latched my hand to his while he pulled me to the dance floor. Though there was basically no one in the dance floor anymore, our friends were just roaming around dancing like fools.

"You look quite decent today." I commented at Dylan's suit and tie outfit for prom.

"I had to or else my mama would've killed me." He laughed.

I placed my hands around the back of his neck while he placed his hands on my waist. I was a bit glad that these heels I was wearing made me a bit more at eye level with Dylan.

I closed my eyes laying my head on his shoulder closely listening to his heartbeat and the lyrics of the song.

Maybe I know somewhere deep in my soul
That love never lasts.

Well you are the only exception.
You are the only exception.

Oh, and I'm on my way to believing.


After prom, I did start to believe that Dylan was the only exception when it came to love. In such a short time in the summer break before, he showed me who my soulmate would be. It wasn't supposed to be just a short relationship, I knew that something was meant to be more than what we ended up to be.

"Dylan... Would you ever get another girlfriend?"

I turned to see him shaking his head. "Maybe not for a long time... I'm waiting for someone, but it's complicated."

"Even if it's complicated, why are you still waiting for them?" I wanted to know the reason.

"Cause I still believe that she's my one and only soulmate, she showed me a lot of lessons in my life. She taught me how that a summer fling can be something more, how heartbreaks can heal sometimes and how love can make me happy as I am right now." Dylan admitted while I sat speechless.

Did he really feel that way with us?

Now we sat in silence... And I felt a weight lift off my shoulder knowing Dylan was still in the same page as me. I didn't mind silence anymore.

I felt his arm slide around my shoulders slowly behind me.

Yeah, I needed to get him back.

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now