1.23 ↣ Sleepless Nights

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{an: helllllo, so I'm probably gonna stop Just One Summer (Book 1) when I write 1.25. Two more chapters to go!! Super excited how this'll end! p.s sorry for not updating. I'll write two more chapters this weekend... Maybe!}

❀ Selena ❀

I couldn't sleep. I didn't know if it was because of the extreme talk I had with Dad earlier today or if it was the tacos that Taylor and Dylan forced me to eat after I already ate my share. I just knew that I wasn't up for sleeping right now. I shifted my body to the side and looked at the clock.

12:38 am.

I let out a big sigh before grabbing my iPhone underneath the softest pillow ever created. No one texted me. Great. I quietly walked out the room and headed to the balcony. The cool night breeze made me shiver and clutch my phone tighter.

I shuffled through my contacts to find the name that had been running through my mind all day.


I quickly messaged him making the whoop sound that meant that it sent.

From: Dylan - Why are you still awake? (12:39)

I laughed because it was kind of obvious why I would be awake.

To: Dylan - Couldn't sleep because of Tacos. Come walk with me. (12:40)

I waited for a while before Dylan had replied.

From: Dylan - Be out in five minutes, had to look for my hoodie. (12:44)

I looked for something cuddly to wear and the closest thing I saw was the black hoodie that he got from being in our schools baseball team. I never gave back since it still smelled like fresh linen and the light smell of cologne that he used. I giggled softly when I noticed how small I was comparing to his long large frame.

I slowly walked out of the room hoping Sammy nor Taylor would stir in their sleep. I made sure that my flip flops wouldn't make the clicking noise it made when it hits the heels of my feet.

No one was awake and it was still bright downstairs since Momma suggested that it was probably safer to keep the lights open just in case there was an emergency. I quietly opened the door and saw Dylan lazily lean against the wall.

He was wearing navy blue plaid pajamas and an orange hoodie that had the NY Mets symbol on it. Typical Dylan! His hair was a mess, but it still didn't change the fact that he looked charming as ever at midnight.

He gave me a lazy smile. "Hello there, upset stomach?"

"No, just couldn't sleep." I shook my head before he gestured towards the beach.

Dylan clung onto the blanket he was hiding behind him. "I knew you wanted to head to the beach because who wouldn't."

I smiled cause I really was hoping we would end up there, it looked beautiful at night. Once we stepped on the beach it was a quiet night, the waves of the beach made a soothing sound.

He set up the blanket just where the light faded from the view of the beach. I didn't like dark places nor being too near in the water since I'll never know if a shark might attack me. I quickly sat next to Dylan who covered his head with his hood, it was quite colder than I expected tonight.

We sat in silence before I interrupted it. "Do you think the other universes look at us like how we stare at them at night?"

"What do you mean?" He asked curiously.

I shrugged, "Like what they lately use in movies about other galaxies and creatures that don't live in Earth."

He kept quiet before I heard a chuckle come out of his mouth. "You're really different when you speak after midnight."

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now