1.24 ↣ I Feel Complete

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{an: after this chapter... One more chapter until the end! I hope you guys like this chapter. SUPER SHORT AND I'M SORRY! P.S Thanks so much for the 6K reads! I freaking love you guys!]

❀ Dylan ❀

The sun crept in my eyes. I closed my eyes shut before going back to slumber sleep. I heard voices now... Ahh! This is making me crazy.

"They're meant to be." A girl cooed from behind me. It sounded like Samantha, but I wasn't quite sure if it was actually her or a type of ghost.

I heard a giggle and a different voice. "I think we might have woken up Dylan."

I was about to move when something moved against me. I was panicking at the moment because I was hearing voices, the sun was waking me up and something is currently about to kill me.

I inhaled deeply before hoping to attack the creature against me, but I immediately relaxed when I smelled the familiar scent. It smelled of pickles and vanilla all mixed up together.

I peaked down to see Selena cuddled up in my chest. Her arms were wrapped around my torso and she looked small compared to me when we were both sleeping together.

Oh my god. Did we do "it" last night? Did I use protection? We slept together? Wait--- what am I thinking?

I replayed the moments from yesterday with Selena. We basically had an all nighter in the beach then ended up making out and sleeping because of Nick and Jess. I don't even know how it happened. I uttered a laugh when I realized we did nothing, but have an innocent little make out last night. Gah, wish it could happen again.

"Wait, bro... Are you awake?" A deep voice stood out before I opened my eyes to see three pairs of eyes get wide.

I nodded. "Yeah, so can you please shut up since someone is sleeping here." I glared at them then looked back at Selena then back at them again.

They all got the idea that they needed to stay quiet since Selena was obviously sleeping so beautiful in my arms. She cuddled closer to me cause I was moving too much for a 'sleeping' person. The three disturbance moved out of the room for me to be left alone with Selena. She was perfect and I could one day get used to waking up next to her. Yes, a lot of people have heard of that phrase for the longest, but who would not want to wake up with someone so beautiful as Selena? They'd be crazy if they said no.

She started to shift herself back and forth before I chuckled. Her body stiffened and her eyes went wide when I guess that she didn't know realize what we did last night. Her eyebrows went up when she was still quiet. "This isn't my room is it?"

I laughed. "Well, I don't think that we headed to your room last night."

"Wait, last night happened?" She asked all confused.

I nodded furiously. "I mean-- We didn't do it. We talked a lot and a lot of things happened. Do you remember?"

She started to get nervous and sat up next to me. "Did you ask me to be your girlfriend last night?"

I sat up as well while our shoulders slightly touched. "Well, of course-- Wait did you not want me to? I kind of got the idea and I was hoping you fel the same way."

Still no response. Selena just sat there shocked.

"Holy crap! Did I mess this up? I'm such an idiot! I'm sorry if you didn't want to, I just thought you felt the same--" I spoke before I felt her lips against mine.

Selena pulled away with her eyes just gazing through mine. She giggled before I gave her an awkward smile. "I was just shocked when you told me that what happened last night was true. I thought it was a dream, but it actually wasn't."

I snaked my fingers around hers and interwined it together. "So we're together together?"

She nodded. "if only you want us too."

"I do want us to be together because it would be really awesome to be your boyfriend." I was a freak, oh my god.

"I really like when you ramble, it's probably one of the things that I like about you." Selena complimented before I just tried to hide the blush creeping up my cheeks. "Do you know that I feel really complete when I'm with you?" I asked.

Selena shook her head. "I never knew that and I kind of feel the same way."

And in that moment, I knew that I might begin to kind of love Selena... But will she run away? I hope not.

{an: wat kind of chapter is this? a short one before the big major last one. I'm the worst, but hoooray! Hope you liked it! :) }

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now