2.20 | Matchmaker 2.0

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{an: hiiiii. read or don't read, pero 5 or more votes for next update. sorry for not updating this for the longest, I was waiting for 10 votes but it never came. trying to update ALL my series before I get off of vacation. love you guys. :)}

| Selena |

My eyes opened up to the morning light. I squeezed my eyes shut regretting choosing the bed closest to the window. I shifted my body to the other side to see Dylan’s body almost falling out of the bed with saliva just drooling down his face.

“Dylan!” I shouted loud enough for him to go crashing down the bed to land face flat on the floor.

I gasped not knowing that he was gonna end up on the floor. I sat up from my bed and watched Dylan groan in pain. “Ouch!” He stayed on the floor for a moment and stood straight up to give me a glare.

“I am so sorry.” I laughed at the unfortunate events that just happened. “I didn’t know you were gonna do a flop on the floor.”

He scoffed and wiped his face with his shirt. “I’m gonna get you back, Gomez.”

“Sure, sure, sure… If you can!” I said not thinking that he can have the guts to fool me. “You’re too sweet.”

He looked at me with his shoulders up looking all mean. “Come here, Selena. Give me a hug.” Dylan opened his arms in front of me.

I sat there for a searching in his face what he was up to until my eyes met his wet shirt. “Ew!” He started walking towards me, but I hopped out of the bed and tried my best to run away from him. Luckily the room was big enough to fit at least four people so Dylan and I had a lot of space to run around. I went into the next room and stopped when I heard a shriek. “Ouch!”

Oh my gosh, again?

I ran to the other room to see Dylan kneeling next to the couch clutching his toes. “Son of a b--”

“Don’t curse! You always curse!” I stopped him from saying the b-word.

He cried in pain. “That isn’t helping me right now. Can you help me up?”

I insisted because every friend should help one another. I was about to pick him up then he suddenly pulled me in an embrace. I was trying to pry out of his arms, but he held onto me tight. “DYLAN! OH MY GOD EW!” I shouted as loud as I while he just laughed behind me.

As soon as I started getting tired of trying to get away from his arms, I just gave up. “Selena, how are you?”

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion. What did he mean? “I’m good?” I said with uncertainty. “Why did you ask?”

I felt him shrug behind me. “I mean I never really got to know how you were in New York.”

Huh? So he was really asking how my life was. “It was fine. How was yours?”

“I’m guessing fine too.”

We kept quiet just lying on the carpeted room. It was the familiar quiet that I was used to when we were together. Dylan and I started to sit up next to each other. I looked towards him fidgeting his fingers before looking dead straight at me. “Selena, I l--”

“Good morning!” Someone interrupted what Dylan was about to say. Sammy’s eyes searched for us on the floor. “OMG. What is going on?”

I laughed at how Sammy looked. She looked like a weirdo just with a pencil holding her messy bun in place. “Nothing.”

“Okay, well… We need to get to fitting because it’s gonna be a busy day! Chop chop!” Sammy clapped her hands together before exiting our room.

Dylan and I quickly obeyed her orders by freshening up. I wanted to ask Dylan what he was about to say, but it might’ve been a slip of his tongue. I got dressed up as normal as I could because I was used to fittings. I went ahead of Dylan just so I wouldn’t miss the breakfast buffet. I stole two full plates of food before seeing Sammy all frustrated pointing to a huge room. I sighed and followed her way to a room full of mirrors and dresses. It was beautiful.

“I got the last bridesmaid.” Sammy pointed me out before I waved my hands. I was familiar with the girls in this room.

“Samantha.” I said watching three girls look at me. I knew one had been Shane’s sisters and Samantha who was Bridgit’s best friend. I started giggling all of a sudden earning a laugh from them too.

As time passed, the fitting went as quick as a simple photoshoot. We all made sure to at least do some party planning before Bridgit is to be wedded with the love of her life.

“Oh, I have to ask… Aren’t you a model?” Samantha, brunette and wide smiled, asked me.

I nodded with a thumbs up. “Yeah.”

“I was actually wondering since I’ve seen your article on Teen Vogue. You are so pretty and it’s amazing how you don’t have a suitor.” She said sipping on her diet coke.

I simply had to agree with her.

Taylor butted in our conversation. “Selena here actually has someone in mind, right?”

I saw Bridgit and Sammy’s eyes glance towards me. “Oh, Selena! What were you two doing this morning before I came in?”

“I was helping him get off the floor.” I blurted out before I realized that I just said something stupid.

Sammy laughed at me. “Both of you were on the floor though.”

“Do you still like Dylan?” Bridgit questioned me with a suspicious face. “Don’t lie to the bride!”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know.”

“But you guys are dating right?”

I kept quiet for a moment. “Fine, I like him.”

Taylor, Sammy and Bridgit then stood in front of me. “Then it’s my turn to play matchmaker since you and Dylan realized that Shane and I were meant to be.”

“We should have a nickname.” Taylor suggest to Sammy and Bridgit.

“Matchmaker 2.0?”

Sammy grinned. “Matchmaker 2.0.”

“How come I have a feeling that this is a crazy idea?” I asked them.

“Oh it will so be prepared.” They said before they all flashed me an evil smirk.

I’m dead.

{an: short, but heyyyyy. comment and luv me bc i luv you all.}

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