2.24 ↣ Please Don't Say You Love Me

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OMG I FORgOT THIS WAS IN mY DRAFTS a long time ago and now I'm updating it .-. faillllllllll.

[an: this is kind of short, but there will be long chapters coming! :)]

+ d y l a n

I sat comfortably on my bed. I thought about the past few weeks ever since Selena came back and how she seems like she wants to start over. I was confused.

I need to stay away from Selena right now. Maybe to get my head cleared out, but first I needed to ask for some advice.

I slipped on some Nike sandals. I looked down to see my socks were exposing, eh whatever.

When I opened the door, Selena stared at me wide eyed. "Hey Dylan!"

"Hey Selena, I've got to go." I said before walking past her. It was bad enough that we shared the same room.

I stepped inside the stairwell door and climbed up on level from where Selena and our room was. I turned left and knocked on it normal enough for someone to hear.

"Posey!" I called out from the other side of the door.

I knocked on his door once more until it opened to a flustered red cheeked Posey. "Hey dude..."

I crossed my arms in front of him. "Hey... Can I come in?" I just went ahead before he could even stop me.


I started to walk in searching for this mystery girl. Posey has been single for a while and I wondered who his girlfriend would be now... Or did he treat her a one night stand? Nope! Posey would never do that!

His bed looked neat... I searched the bathroom, nothing. I looked to my last place, the closet.

"Wait, Dylan." Posey was stopping me.

I took my time to reach for the hole and slid the closet door. "Oh my god! Samantha!"

She gasped and covering her face. "Dylan."

"Why are you here?"

Sammy came out of the closest, literally. "Because I can. So how are you and Selena?" She changed the topic making me quite suspicious.

Yeah, there was something between them. I shrugged my shoulders plainly.

"What do you mean?"

How could I answer that question? I wouldn't know how. "I'm really confused."

Sammy sat in front of me. I still couldn't look at her and Posey the same now. It'll take me a while, I gotta love with it. "About...?"

"About Selena and I. I don't trust her yet, I mean I do, but it's just that... I don't know if she's gonna leave me again." I admitted regretting saying it out loud. I probably sounded cruel in every word I said right now.

"I think you should go and talk your feelings out with Selena."

"That's the thing. I feel like a wimp near her and being in this place where I first felt something with her doesn't help. She's around everywhere I go so I can't really thing about a lot of things."

Posey sat next to Sammy. "Get some air buddy..." He stood up and patted my back. "We'll call up Selena to make sure she doesn't disturb your alone time."

I nodded heading my way out of the room. "Enjoy you two!"

Where to go? I shoved my hand in the pockets of the hoodie once I stepped out of the pent house doors. It was chilly outside, but the beach would still be a nice place to think through things.

I hopped on the cement wall that separated the beach and the actual boardwalk. I swung my feet repeatedly against the wall and looked up to the waves crashing through the sand.

I stayed there listening to the breeze and watched bird fly in front of me. During my time there, I wasn't necessarily looking for an escape route to not hang out with any of my friends, but as Posey said, "I need to get some fresh air."

"Hey..." I heard a voice greet while someone sat next to me.

I didn't have to turn around to know it was Selena. "Hi."

We both sat still in silence and I wanted to break it, but I didn't know how so she started it, "Whatcha thinking about?"

"Stuff." I answered.

"Bad or good?"

I closed my eyes for a second and shrugged. "Both."

"About us?"

I lightly chuckled. "Maybe... Maybe not."

Selena took a deep breath. "Can I know?"

I shook my head lightly. If Selena knew what was going on in my head, she'll never even forgive me. I don't want to ruin anything as long as we're here. I wanted to preserve this beach vacation from high school and now for happy memories.

"Dylan, is there an us in the future?" Selena asked.

That's the question I couldn't answer right now. If there was a future for Selena and I? There might, but the feeling when she broke my heart was the most uneventful event I never want to repeat in my life.

"Yes." I breathed out in a mumble. "But I'm not at the romantic stage yet, so please don't say you love me yet."

"Okay... I can deal with that. You can take all the time you need." Selena started. "I actually have to go ask Bridgit about something, I'll see you later?"

I looked at her from the corner of my eye. She looked down and I hated that. "Yeah, I'll catch up with you guys later."

I watched her walk away with a slouch. She used to do that when she was really bummed about something. I remember watching her during high school how she would always have a slouch when she didn't get the grade she wanted.

I stared back at the ocean and sat silently.

Can I love Selena, again? I don't know...

[an: bahhhhhh. YAS DYLAN YOU CAN.]

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