1.3 ↣ Operation Uno?

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[ AN: Sorry for the longest and most annoying anticipation of waiting for me to update -.- school and social circles is hard to balance :$ I might be too lazy to edit this because I'm typing this on my phone. ]

❀ Selena ❀

I've been following Dylan for the last three hours or something. He's been such a butt. I looked at the distance that we both in between us which would be 3 feet away from each other.

"Stop following me." Dylan shouted annoyingly.

I rolled my eyes, "Look... You just need to accept that we'll have to spend like the whole summer or something. And you're being as salty as I was to you in the last day of school."

"You look... 'salty' in my definition is the actually salty taste not the 'oh this person is irritating' definition ok?" He quoted his definition by shaping quotation marks with his fingers.

He started walking again towards the carnival area which started to open the colorful lights because the sun started to set. When we paid for our tickets, he walked towards Tyler and I saw Taylor with Sammy.

"Selena!" Both shrieked and pulled me in hug.

"I missed you guys! I haven't had any type of good vibes with my pal, Dylan." I frowned while Sammy giggled.

We headed to the spinning cups that twirled endlessly. When it was our turn we headed to the pink one since it was the only color that we all agreed on. We braced ourselves when it started to go to the slowest pace ever and then it started. It went faster and faster until all we could hear was people screaming out of happiness. But I guess happiness won't always be there since the ride went to a stop.

"That was fun." I yelled out loud while we exited the area.

"Look, it's Dylan." Taylor pointed out and pulled Sammy and I behind the vending machines.

I laughed and looked at his face, he was smiling, "Since when does he smile?"

"He's fake smiling, Selena." Sammy whispered while we saw her immitating his smile which obviously looked fake.

"We should go ruin him from her." Taylor suggested and got ready to walk to the direction of where Dylan stood.

I pulled Taylor back near Sammy and I, "We aren't going to do anything.. I need to be friends with him and ruining his image from a girl he obviously likes won't help."

They both nodded and we spotted my parents roaming around with popcorn in their hands. I felt my stomach reacting to what I saw, food.

"Let's go guys! I need some food!" I said making them face me with hungry faces.

We walked around to see cheerful faces of children including adults. I smiled when I saw these two cute little cute girl and boy, young love.. More like baby love :8

Taylor pointed out the nearest food stands, "Oooo! Funnel cakes!" She ran cause she sensed that people were about to come running in line just like she just did.

"So Sammy, what are you about to eat?" I asked and looked to my left to see no one next to me nor around me. I squinted my eyes to perfectly see where Sammie was at. My eyes landed on the corn dog stand where a girl was waving me to come near her. Oh Sammy! I rolled my eyes and gave her a smile.

I strutted to Sammy while I glanced at Taylor who was one person away from ordering her some delicious funnel cakes.

I leaned my head on Sammy's shoulder, "I want a hamburger."

"I'm feeling some corn dogs shawty!" Sammy tried to sound all cool, but no.

I giggled and rose up from her shoulder, "I'll order some... You want one?"

She nodded while Taylor stood next to us with like millions of funnel cakes. They followed me to the food stand that smelled so delicious, Five Guys! I didn't know they had stands though... Weird! I stumbled along the line and got my money ready.

"Hello! Welcome to Five Guys! What will your order be?" The server asked me.

I glanced at the menu and proceeded my order, "May I please have 3 hamburgers with bacon and ketchup including three cokes?"

She nodded and gave me a cheeky smile. She pressed a few buttons to sum up the total and handed the cook the thin white piece of paper where our orders had been listed.

"So you live around here?" The server tried to come up with a conversation while I waited quietly.

"Nope, I'm just visiting for this whole school summer thing. How about you?" I replied.

Her eyes popped out for a second which she looked like she realized something, "Oh I realized something" Bingo! "My name is Bridgit and I'm just working here this summer!"

I gave her a nod and the cook nudged her to tell her that she needed to serve us our meal. She placed three cokes in a container and a bag that had all the good food inside. "Thanks for coming!" Bridgit exclaimed as I was about to go...

"Wait, we're staying here for the summer and you should totally hang with us! I'm Selena by the way!" I shouted enough so she could hear me from a far distance. Bridgit lastly gave me one last cheeky smile and a two thumbs up while I headed near my friends.

"Who was that? She looked familiar." Taylor mentioned as I set down everything I was carrying. Sammie separated the food equally to three.

"She's from our school and she's working here this summer." I answered Taylor's earlier question.

"Oh awesome! Look, I think Shane over there has the hots for her." Sammy pointed out while our eyes gazed over at Shane who had a goofy smile. We just all looked at each other with an evil smile. We definitely had something in plan.

"So you like sports? I just know you're a cheerleader." We overheard someone saying behind us.

A girl giggled, "Yeah that's what cheerleading is?"

I moved closer to Taylor and Sammy, "Guys! Tell me that's not Dylan?" They both nodded rapidly. "We need to fix him up cause look... He's shaking and doesn't know how to have a conversation with a girl nor a cheerleader." I pointed behind me and I knew Dylan would be doing that because he doesn't seem the chill guy that would charm a girl.

"Britt! Come join us!" A perky girl shouted near the corn dog stand.

We looked at where Dylan and Britt had been sitting, "Sorry to ruin this nice dinner, but I'll head to my friends now." Britt brought up clearly not wanting to hang out with this typical loser. Dylan nodded.

Taylor and Sammy looked at me when I turned back to my position, "We need to fix him, asap." I said in a serious tone. "Operation uno."

We immediately took our food and transferred to the table where Dylan had been sitting. I was sandwiched by Sammy and Taylor while we looked at the half angry and partly confused Dylan in front of me.

"Yeah, we really need to fix you up."

A lot of it... -.-

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now