1.6 ↣ The Sun & Nicknames!

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|| an: what's up y'all? I'm trying to write so much stuff before my winter break ends. Whoot whoot! ||

❀ Selena ❀

Taylor pushed me aside leaving Sammy explaining a few things to Dylan, "Sel, this is for the best you know? I'm just too tall for him and Sammie has someone in her life."

"And that makes a difference? How does that even relate to giving my first kiss to someone, worst of all someone I hate."

"That's actually better, since you hate him oh so much then that would mean you would hate him even more if he touches your lips." Taylor cleared.

"Oh that makes more sense..." I joked thinking that she would get my sentence as a joke.

"Yeah, I'm glad you understand me." Taylor laughed making me wide eyed, "Now let's discuss it all together."

We walked towards Dylan and Sammy who sat there watching the rest of the episode of FRIENDS.

"To train Dylan to get used to a girl, we need to have a make over." Sammy pointed out making me giggle since we could never change Dylan.

"And Selena will be the example for the girl or known as secondary Britt." Taylor called out to all of us.

"So she's basically my fake girlfriend, but in secret? Plus we kiss, date and hang out?" Dylan asked Taylor who was planning this whole thing.

"Yes she is... So this whole summer, only until Dylan gets used to Britt, then you'll be together. I just came up with this, Selena has this plan all under control."

I shrugged and rolled my eyes, "Only if Dylan would start to not call me fake girlfriend."

He nodded, "Done deal."

"Oh swizzles, Sammy and I forgot that we needed to meet up with Sammie's man. Ok, bye." Taylor and Sammie started to leave me with Dylan who was just playing with his phone. I checked my phone to find out that it was past 5:30 which meant that the sun was about to set.

"Hey, you wanna watch the sun set?" I asked him.

"I thought you didn't want to go near the sand today?"

"Well, I decided to change my mind... Fake boyfriend!" I cheered making fun of how he made fun of me and calling me fake girlfriend.

I rolled up the bottom of my skinny jeans above my ankles, "See I'm ready."

"Let's go then fake girlfriend."

"Should we make up some nickname for each other since having the title that says fake gives an image of such a fake relationship?"

"But we are fake... You wanna be something more?" He smirked at me.

I shook a no really fast.

"But you're thinking about it." All of a sudden he started leaving me in the very spot I was standing at.

I sighed and just followed behind him. What should our nicknames be? Am I really asking myself this? I don't really wanna be called fake though. We headed to the white sandy beach to find some people already just waiting for the sun to go down. The moon was already halfway to showing itself. Dylan and I started to take off our shoes then held it as we walked through the warm tickling sand beneath our feet.

We picked the perfect spot right in front of the whole horizon scenery. It was beautiful. Thank God, Dylan got a blanket before we left the lobby to go to the beach. He spreaded out the blanket as we sat on it. We sat there quietly as the waves just swayed back and forth.

"How about Yummy?" Dylan asked me out of nowhere.

"Yummy? For what?"

"Our names for each other instead of being fake." He pointed out.

"Do I call you that? Or you call me that?"

He snickered, "I can call you Chubby and you call me Yummy cause I'm so delicious."

I rolled my eyes at the cocky comment he just gave, "Oh Dylan O'Brien, the humor you tell me. What a delight."

"Oh, you know how I am."

"Why am I even called Chubby?" I questioned him needing a full explaination.

"Well, you have the cutest face that still pouts like a little cute doggy. Also, I couldn't find anymore attractive words that mixed with Yummy." Dylan thoroughly explained to me.

"How about dummy? Or Dum Dums?"

"Chubs, would I really want you to call me that?" He tried to attempt a pleasing look, but it failed and he just made a derp face out of it.

"Yes, I would Dummy... But since we'll have to live with these nicknames for the remainder of the whole summer then maybe I'll just call you Yummy!" I exclaimed making him flash a smile.


"Wait, be quiet the sun is setting." I interrupted him holding my finger slightly touching his lips to make him shut up. We both stared at the beautiful sun that was halfway into sinking into the ocean in our case. It sea started to mirror an opposite image of what the sun looked like. It was gigantic.

❀ Dylan ❀

Selena's hand started to get farther away from my lips after she hushed me. I didn't really know why she did that, obviously she has the hots for me. I'm just kidding with you.

I looked to my left to find Selena just gazing at the sun like a little girl watching the Prince kiss the Princess. She looked different. Maybe it was the sun's stupid lighting that was bouncing off her face, but there was something different. I closed the space between us when the sun was about a 1/3 away from setting. I moved, but she didn't even notice.

Thank God, I would've made a fool out of myself.

The whole I didn't even realize that I was freaking looking at her instead of the sun. A lingering smile crept at the tips of my mouth. Why the hell am I even smiling? I just turned my facial expression to a nasty grinch face that I always wore around Selena.

"Isn't it so beautiful?" Selena asked looking at me, but I turned my head forward quickly before she knew that I was staring at her. I nodded as a reply.

"Look, it's halfway gone so we should we start to before a shark eats my head off."

"You would like that wouldn't you?"

"What? Leaving or a shark eating my head off?" I questioned. I really didn't want a shark to actually bite my head off, but it was getting really dark to be near the beach.

"I got you, but since we're leaving you have to treat me to some dinner."

"I'd be glad to waste my money on you, Chubs!" I exclaimed making her roll her eyes backward in a way that freaking disappeared for a second.

We stood up and started to get the blanket that we sat on. I walked behind Selena who I realized in that moment was extremely short or is is just that I was extremely short, skinny and pale. The waves of the beach plus the evening cool weather made it really cold. Selena started to attempt to hug herself and rub her arms to create warmth on my skin. She's not smart, that won't even last.

I took off my New York Mets sweatshirt quickly, "Chubs! Here..." I handed her my sweatshirt.

"No. I'm fine."

"Stop, girls who say that they're fine are usually meaning oh care for me or another way to say yes. So here."

She hesitated first, but she just took it for her own sake not to become cold in this night. "Thanks."

"Welcome. Now let's get some food shall we..." I suggested while hooking my arm around her head and messed up her hair.

"You jerk!" Selena screeched pushing me away from her.

I started to run away.

"I will get you, O'Brien." I heard Selena say far behind me.

I laughed hysterically. This is gonna be a great summer... Ever!

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now