1.8 ↣ Bonfire!

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Bonfire Madness || Sorry for not updating this for the longest, but enjoyyyy! I'm hoping to write another chapter by tonight as well. VOTE. FOLLOW. READ. AND HAVE FUN! ||

❀ Selena ❀

"Selenaaaaaaaaaa! Samanthaaaaaaaa!" Taylor sung really loudly, "I know you guys can hear me... You guys better get your butts up."

I laughed at Taylor mentioning the word 'butt'. She never says that. I pushed the sheets off my body to watch Taylor flutter around the room. Sammy was still asleep not minding the loudness that Taylor was expressing right now. I decided to bring my feet to the hazel wooden floor which was colder that I expected it.

"Good morning preppy gal!" I greeted Taylor who was obviously in tip top shape.

"Good morning, I've been getting updated by Dylan and you guys didn't kiss yet." Taylor's face went in a downward motion really slow which made her look like an old lady. We all looked like old ladies if we were to be sad.

I rolled my eyes, "Dylan was being irritating because he tricked me into thinking that we would kiss. I mean he could've just told me."

Taylor gasped, "You--" She started to point at me, "You wanted him to kiss you. You wanted him. You like him."

"No I don't!" I cried out. It was true, I had no feelings for this O'Brien boy.

"Hmmm... I'll take that for now, but if this whole feelings grow, you better watch out. Love is a really mysterious and dangerous feeling." Taylor explained while we freshened up for breakfast. "Oh, by the way did anyone ask you about that bonfire date?"

"What bonfire date?" I looked at her really confused.

"Someone has to ask you out before you can even get in the bonfire madness. It's the ticket!" Taylor cheered as I looked down and frowned since no one asked me yet. I'm probably not going anyway.

Taylor and I left Sammy to just sleep for a little more time. The hallway to go downstairs was totally crowded. Girls were either waiting for other girls to leave the main bathroom or just hanging around. The trip downstairs was even more impossible since everyone kept on pushing each other. Ugh, this reminded me of school too much.

As we headed outside the pent house to the buffet, we saw a few people we knew. I could see Dylan from a mile away with him just laughing along to what seemed like Tyler's jokes. I saw Bridgit who was giggling at Shane's jokes, probably. I looked forward to see Justin feeding some food from the same girl yesterday.

I sighed.

"You know... If you just think Justin will get jealous if you have a boyfriend. You can get back at him from what he did to you." Taylor whispered next to me while we passed the tons of food.

We shuffled along the carpetted floor of the breakfast room and headed to the empty table which was exactly in the middle from where Dylan and Justin sat. We were exactly to be seen.

"I hate this awkward place." I pointed out knowing Taylor was about to be all fierce and not care at all.

"Hate is such a strong word, Sel. You gotta shake that stress away!" Taylor wiggled like a worm in her seat.

"This trip was supposed to be good." I mumbled chewing on the bagel.

"You have Sammy and I, but your prince is about to come now." Taylor warned me. I wish it was Brad Pitt or Channing Tatum.

"Hey Chubs!" I heard someone next to me say while I saw Tyler sitting next to Taylor. "Oh what a coincidence, you and I at the same place esting breakfast!"

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now