1.7 ↣ You're My Girlfriend...

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(J-14 featured my video with a interview that bummed the dylena feels outta me. #wintertimesadness) || This will totally blow your life, like it will be bad. Buttttttt, I hope you enjoy it! I promise the next one will be beautiful.

❀ Selena ❀

"Stop messing with my hair!" I shouted at Dylan who was attempting to put my hair in a bunch of knots. Every time I combed it back, he always has the guts to mess with my long silky hair.

"Selena, if you see it this way... Beauty doesn't have to matter when you're with me." Dylan commented on the whole situation we were in right now.

"Awh Dylan, that's the sweetest thing you ever said to me... Not!" I rolled my eyes to show how irritating he can be.

We headed to the direction where all the food stands were. The place was lit with a bunch of lights above our heads creating a bright scenery. I just loved it when lights just go up at night time.

"What do you wanna eat?" Dylan asked me while I looked around to find a lot of choices.

"Hmm... I don't know, it's a trick question." I struggled to choose, "Maybe burgers!"

He gave me a weird look, "With pickles?"

"How'd you know I wanted pickles on mine?" I asked shockingly because no one ever knew I really liked pickles unless they actually paid attention to me. Does that mean Dylan pays attention to me? I decided to go find some seats while Dylan ordered the delicious dinner we were about to have.

I took a seat in the middle of the whole entire place, but at the same time making sure that Dylan would see me. I pretended to check my phone to look less lonely around the people who were already eating and chatting up with the people around them. I just found out that people were looking for me. Oops!

I decided to ignore it for a while as I watched Dylan start to walk towards me who looked like he couldn't handle holding two sodas and two bags.

"Hey! You know what I realized? How come we're friends now instead of being friends ever since middle school?" Dylan asked while I thought about it. It never crossed my mind.

"I never really thought about it. I guess I was weirdest out by someone who danced around in the hallways like a goof and created the ugliest faces in the universe." I explained to Dylan who already looked very astonished by what I said. Dylan was always the one who I got really scared off since he would wander around the whole school doing the weirdest stuff. Everytime he drinks his water, he always has the tendency to laugh. I hated it. I just knew that somehow in middle school, I didn't care about him.

"We should forget about it then. Take the negativity away." He suggested making me smile. He isn't that bad as I thought he would be after all. We both munched on our burgers which was extra delicious since he asked for extra pickles.

A tiny burp uttered out my mouth, "My mistake, sorry." Dylan chuckled and burped as well, but we just ended up laughing at each other. "What should we do tomorrow?"

"Tyler and Taylor mentioned that there was a bonfire tomorrow night."

"Really? How was I not informed about this?" I cried out because Taylor would always mention things to me before anyone. That's why we were best friends.

"Taylor also mentioned how you weren't answering your phone. Probably busy staring and paying attention to me?" He smirked at me.

I just shook my head. I looked around to find someone I didn't want to exactly see right now nor see this whole summer. I started to bring all the strands of hair in front of my face and look down. I think Dylan started to notice since he looked at me with nervousness.

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now