1.17 ↣ Happy Birthday! [Part 1]

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{AN: OMFG. Just One Summer got 1K reads! Thank you guys so freaking much! I love y'all! :)}

❀ Dylan ❀

It was a special day. A special day to be alive like someone named Selena Gomez. I climbed out of the bed and looked at the wall clock. It ticked to 6:17 am.

I started to find a hoodie which took a really long time; luckily I found my Nike jacket. I thought about where my hoodies were placed but it didn't occur in my mind. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I grabbed my phone and Tyler was just tiredly sleeping sloppy like any normal guy.

I walked out and headed towards the girls pent house. I waited in front for Taylor to open the door. Apparently, Sammy and Taylor woke up early as well so they could plan a surprise birthday party for Selena.

The door opened up to a excited Taylor, she was wearing a dress that looked like she was up and ready to go somewhere. We exchanged a quick hug and she led the way their room. Sammy was dressed up well as she was fixing her bed. The only bed that wasn't fixed was Selena's which I know she'll make me do after I wake her up.

"Hey... So we actually need to buy Selena a gift and it might take hours. We also need to get some stuff for the surprise party." Taylor explained while she readjusted her bag on her shoulder. Sammy and Taylor started to get out the door. "Wait, don't do anything you wouldn't want to do."

I knew exactly what she was thinking. I nodded it off and listened to the door click meaning that I was all alone with Selena in a room. I stood just a few inches from her bed and knelt down. Selena's face looked angelic while she slept. I started to place wet kisses on her forehead and around her face, She sarted to stir which made me chuckle for a second. I continued to kiss her face.

Selena opened her eyes widely and pushed my face away. "Oh my god. Hi."

I picked the bed sheets up and slipped inside next to Selena. Her arms immediately wrapped around my waist like from yesterday when we were at the beach. I noticed she was still wearing my hoodie. Then I realized that Selena had basically both of the hoodies that I packed for this trip.

"Why are you wearing my hoodie?" I asked her.

She buried her face in my chest and I kissed her head. "It's nice sleeping with your type of smell." She mumbled.

"You could always have me instead of a simple hoodie." I teased making her giggle.

"What if there's no way I could get to you?" Selena asked simply looking up to see my face. I thought about something... If only I could wake up to her everyday. "Why are you smiling?" Her face changed to a confused expression.

I shook my head. "Happy Birthday!" I greeted her with a straight face but she laughed at my dull expression causing me to laugh as well.

"Thanks. What are we gonna do today?"

"Well what did you want to do?"

I squeezed her waist. "We could go shopping?" I asked her since I didn't even get her something for her special day. I would suck as a boyfriend, just kidding! But that would be slightly true if I would just ask Selena out.

She nodded happily. "I'd love that! Let's go." Selena started to get up.

I just stayed under the sheets since Selena had to go freshen up. When she got out of the bathroom, I never knew that girls could dress up so fast. She wore dark blue skinny jeans with a sky blue v-neck and a orange cardigan. Selena always dresses so fancy.

"Let's go have breakfast and then we can go to Forever 21." Selena informed me as she started to look under her bed for what seemed to be her shoes.

just one summer | dylena [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now